Meeting with influencer Alex Vizeo

Today we’re off to meet Alex, one of the most adventurous people in the travel world!
His Alex Vizeo channel is a hit on Youtube, and the quality of his productions is breathtaking!
A mix of fun, experience and adventure: Alex is the man for every situation!
He shared a few secrets with us about his job as an influencer and, more specifically, as a travel youtuber!
We’ll let you discover what he has to say!

Can you introduce yourself in a few words?
How did you get started with your blog?

My name is Alex Vizeo.
I’ve been a travel blogger specializing in video for seven years.
I created my travel blog in 2010 when I left for my round-the-world trip.
I was honored to have been awarded best travel blog of the year in 2011 at the Golden Blog Awards.

Here’s a 5-minute summary of my year-long world tour:

I created my blog for a single reason: to inspire as many people as possible to travel, and to show them video proof that it’s within everyone’s reach!

What subjects do you cover and how do you choose them?
How often do you publish?

I cover both backpacking and off-the-beaten-track destinations, as well as weekends in Europe and travel tips.
What I like best is to go to a destination and break down the preconceived ideas and negative stereotypes that people may have (when these are unfounded). And that’s often the case! ex: Iran, Guyana, Colombia, etc…) I don’t impose any publication rhythm on myself.
I only publish about places I know and have experienced myself.

I usually take one trip abroad a month.
Then I created several videos and at least one article.

How do you promote your blog and its content?

I use my social networks to showcase my photos and videos and then drive traffic through SEO to my blog.
Concerning my blog directly, I try to write articles that are as complete, relevant and useful as possible for people so that they rank well on Google.
Social networks are for me a way of giving media visibility in the short term.
The blog, on the other hand, serves to host all useful content and make it easily accessible over the long term.

Are you a professional influencer or do you have a side business?

Yes, I’ve been a full-time travel blogger for four years now.

How do you define your business?
How do you position yourself?

Being a travel blogger or influencer means first and foremost being passionate about your subject.
Whatever the topic, you have to be passionate about it and want to pass on your knowledge and be useful to people.
To too many people who, with this new fashion for travel bloggers, want to do this job for the wrong reasons: to get free trips!
Today, I meet very few people who have this passion and desire to share.
I’m an enthusiast who travels to be useful and inspire people.


Today, I know that influencers have a very important role to play because, depending on what they say and do, they can have a major impact on a destination: positively or negatively.
When we know the damage that tourism can do, our actions and words are very important.
We also have this responsibility!

What’s a typical day like for a travel influencer?

That’s the great thing about being a travel blogger: no two days are the same.
It’s both great and very confusing at first.
If I were to try and sum up my schedule.
You have to understand that I’ve been working 7 days a week for at least 3 hours a day for the past 6 years.

When I’m travelling:

  • up at 7 a.m.
  • 1h of work on my community messages and pro
  • 8.30am to 8pm: enjoying the moment, filming, taking photos and posting on social networks
  • 22h – 0h: replies to followers, content creation (editing videos, photos and articles)

Often at least 1 to 2 weeks of affiliation

When I’m in office mode:

  • 9am – 12pm: content creation (writing articles, photos, videos)
  • 2pm – 7pm / 8pm: management of current projects, preparation of future ones


What’s the first step in working with a company or agency?

Through a verbal exchange (physical or Skype)!
Working with an influencer means accepting that your destination, your brand or your product will be seen through that influencer’s universe.
So, first and foremost, you need to understand the influencer’s universe.
When you’re an influencer, you accept that you’re collaborating with someone who’s paying you to create content that’s useful to them, that’s relevant to their world and meets their expectations.

It’s vital to exchange ideas so that each knows the other’s world and expectations.
Once the right foundations, trust and expectations have been established, we can begin to collaborate serenely and effectively.
But not before.
Otherwise, there’s a risk of the whole operation going wrong for everyone!


What advice would you give to a company or agency wishing to work with you?

Define your media communication objectives, your brand positioning and explain what you want from me.
Once I’ve understood that, I’ll give you my ideas and vision.
When you’re satisfied with my ideas.
Give me carte blanche!
You won’t be disappointed, and neither will your followers or future travelers!

I’m always looking first and foremost for people’s benefit, and then for my customers’.
Because if people are satisfied and like the content, the customer will like it too?

How do you see your future as a travel influencer?

I think the next generation will idolize influencers/youtubers more and more than people on TV.
Influencers will therefore play an increasingly important role in the future media and cultural landscape.
The same goes for the travel industry.

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