Social networks for your travel agency

Social networking for your travel agency: a 21st century must.
It’s best not to be too quick to put your finger on digital when the vast majority of your sales may depend on it.
If you’re still too skeptical, we’ve got a few tips on how to communicate on social networks, and you don’t have to be a renowned expert to attract new customers with ease.


Web to store to reinforce your competitive positioning in your area, inspire, build loyalty and generate traffic to your website, generate leads and sales using powerful levers.
These techniques can produce results that will help your business grow.
And the results: increased website traffic, and new business!

Here are a few figures to pique your interest:According to the Raffour Interactif barometer for Opodo, 77% of French people consult websites to prepare for their holidays. 1 in 2 French people have booked and paid for part of their holiday online.

And the main reasons :

– Strengthen your competitive positioning in your area – Inspire, build loyalty and generate traffic to your website – Generate leads and sales using powerful levers

Appear in Google My Business

First of all, you need to make yourself known on Google to your closest prospects, and to do that, we’d like to invite you to Google My Business.
You’ll be able to create a company page that will reference all your agency’s information directly in the search results of the prospect you’re dreaming of.
This page will be displayed in the top right-hand corner of the page, along with your address, and will give you greater visibility in searches made by users.

For example, a user living in Béziers will be able to see you in his search results when he searches for “Agence de voyages” (travel agency), because Google now geolocates its users and brings up the most relevant results that are nearby.


Facebook is your travel agency’s ally.

Social networking can be a great help in raising your travel agency’s profile in your catchment area, and is an excellent way of building customer loyalty.

There’s nothing complicated about this: all you have to do is regularly update your page, which you’ll have carefully filled in. You also need to take care of your cover photo, which will allow any of your subscribers to travel instantly when they come to consult you.

To liven up your Facebook page, you need to give priority to photos, whether they’re your own, or you’ve sourced them from royalty-free libraries.
It’s important to remember thata picture is worth a thousand words, and a thousand words are worth a picture.

So make sure you select the images you want to publish for the destination you want to highlight.
You need to put yourself in your subscriber’s shoes and ask yourself if this photo would make you want to know more about the destination. Once you’ve selected your photos, it’s time to write your post.
Choose the tone you want: Funny, inviting discovery, adventurous or cultural.
For example, to invite people to discover the destination of Khao Sok Natural Park in Thailand, you could write :

“Did you know that Thailand’s Khao Sok Nature Park boasts some of the most diverse flora and fauna in the world? Elephants, buffaloes, gibbons and even tigers roam freely in this park, which is rich in nature dating back millions of years!”

And don’t forget to include a link to the offer you want to highlight.

To ensure that the link is not too long for your publication, we recommend reducing it usinga link reducer such as

It’s not just pretty pictures you need to share – be creative!
You can also think about making :

– Small competitions to invite your audience to win small prizes – Create events, for example when you want to hold a destination party to invite your customers and prospects to come and discover it – Announce an important announcement – Share the beautiful photos and video memories of one of your customers who has just returned from a great photo safari in Africa.

Here are a few examples of publications to inspire you:

Once your publication is online, you can boost it by clicking on the “Boost publication” button in the bottom right-hand corner .

This service will give you access to an advertising optimization tool for your publication, enabling you to gain visibility thanks to a solution offered by Facebook.

For example, you can use this service to create an audience based on the type of person you want to reach, starting with gender, age range, then place of residence (this is where it all comes in!). Obviously, the person you want to reach lives in your town) and finally by their tastes (travel, wine, golf, Africa, Asia…).

Advertising is an invaluable aid to your reputation and visibility, and you need to target the people you want to reach as precisely as possible.

So ask yourself this question: Who is this experience for? This question will help you target the type of person you want to reach: Age, gender, interests…

But where will the ad I made be displayed?

This ad will be displayed on the interfaces of the users you target.
For example, it will be inserted between two of their friends’ posts, or on the right-hand side.
Of course, it will also appear on Facebook’s mobile application.

Let’s talk small, let’s talk big: The budget

First of all, set yourself a publication frequency. We recommend no more than 3 times a week, which will keep costs down for you.

If you’d like to give it a try, we’d like to invite you to boost your publications to 3 euros. This will enable you to benefit from the visibility of a good thousand people for a day, and then go up to 8 euros as you build up your business.

So what does this mean?
It means that to start your Web To Store advertising for your travel agency using your Facebook page, you’ll spend a basic 36 euros per month.

Then, by going up to 8 euros per publication, you’ll be at around 96 euros to reach up to 12,000 or even 17,000 people in your catchment area.

Give your travel agency wings:

Facebook also offers you the opportunity to showcase your page to find users who will subscribe to follow your news.

This service is called “Promote the page”, just like the publication boost service. All you have to do is enter a few details about your target audience, and the advertising will start rolling in and your subscriber count will begin to climb!

We usually recommend an expense of 10 euros per day for this type of highlighting.
If you can put together a nice layout, you’ll be able to find up to 80 new subscribers from your city every day!

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