Infography: Communication for a travel agency or tour operator

To simplify your research and provide you with straightforward content for your travel agency or tour operator communication, we’ve decided to produce a summary in the form of an infographic with a little additional information for you to use without moderation!

The importance of a visual identity for a travel company

The visual identity will enable a customer or prospect to identify the agency.
It will also enable the agency to convey its values.
In other words, it’s the image that’s conveyed through graphic communication codes.
These include logo, colors, typography and graphic charter.
The aim is to arouse the consumer’s interest and make a good first impression, naturally to create visual seduction.

Creating your travel agency’s website

Another point not to be overlooked when launching a digital travel agency is the creation of the website.
It requires careful thought about the interface, the sections and the content that will be proposed.
We advise you to choose beautiful, inspiring, high-resolution photos.
You’ll then have to choose between a merchant site, such as the one Speedmedia offers to sell tour operators’ packaged products, or a showcase site, which is much more suited to tailor-made agencies.

Natural referencing to boost your traffic

It’s also known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
It’s important to understand how SEO works, as it will optimize the positioning of your travel agency’s website in search engine results.
The aim is to generate more traffic and increase your agency’s visibility, while avoiding Google adwords budgets as much as possible.

Social networks to generate traffic and sales

It’s essential for a travel agency to be present on social networks and to manage them well.
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram represent communication platforms with enormous potential.
Their management is called community management, which means creating relevant social accounts, moderating and responding to comments, establishing strategic intelligence and creating traffic and buzz for your website.

Work with a travel influencer to boost visibility and sales

A travel influencer is a person who has gained notoriety (significant or highly targeted) through the web and social networks in particular.
These are personalities who share their vision and travel experiences through blog posts, photos or videos. Collaborating with a travel influencer can be a highly beneficial way of promoting a travel agency and enhancing its brand image among consumers.
The agency will be able to reach the influencer’s community directly, publicize its offers and thus generate more sales.

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