Vendée Tourisme: How does the destination plan to promote itself in 2021?

This year, more than ever, it’s important to communicate.
And Vendée Tourisme has understood this.

Last summer, we saw a certain homogeneity in the communication of French destinations, and in this interview we’ll look at the strategy adapted by Vendée Tourisme to stand out throughout 2021.

Located in the Pays de la Loire region of France, the Vendée is a department with many assets: a rich cultural and natural heritage, and activities to suit everyone in every season.
What are you doing to raise the profile of this superb destination?


Meet Karen Alletru, Director of Tourism at Vendée Expansion.



1 – Could you briefly describe yourself and Vendée Tourisme’s mission?

Tourism is a major activity in the Vendée.
The leading tourist department on the Atlantic seaboard in terms of the number of beds, Vendée is also one of France’s top 5 tourist destinations.
As Director of Vendée Tourisme since 2016, I work closely with Vendée tourism professionals to develop a strategy for promoting tourism in a department that attracts over 5 million visitors every year.

Our mission is to promote the Vendée as a destination in France and abroad, to support the marketing of tourism products, and to provide assistance to tourism professionals.
We fulfill this mission through a wide range of actions, from providing professionals with online reservation software, to distributing tourism brochures and implementing national communication campaigns (TV, digital, metro, etc.).


2 – Are you positive about the upturn in tourism in 2021?
How does the Vendée stand out from its competitors?

Optimism is essential!
I’m positive because the French are expressing a vital need to get away.
Since Emmanuel Macron’s announcements on progressive deconfinement, bookings are taking off in the Vendée!
Since May1, visits to our website have soared, with a 50% increase in daily sessions.
This new calendar is finally enabling the French to plan their future vacations.

I think that the Vendée offers all the advantages that customers are looking for today: wide open spaces, 276 km of coastline, including 140 km of fine sandy beaches, a mild, sunny climate, a wide range of accommodation on the coast and in the countryside (gîtes and villas, campsites, hotels…), outdoor activities and tourist sites for the whole family…

In today’s quest for happiness and well-being, the most important thing is to refocus on the essentials.
The Vendée is a timeless destination, reassuring, authentic and a change of scenery, thanks to the diversity of its landscapes.

That’s the whole point of the “Revivre l’essentiel” 2021 promotional campaign we launched on May 3.
Our aim was to be ready to communicate and bounce back as soon as possible.

This Tendance printemps-été 2021 en Vendée campaign targets the general public, the press, tourism professionals and influencers (digital signage in May in 16 towns in the Vendée and the Grand Ouest, metro in Paris in June, ELLE, Paris Match, sponsored campaigns on social networks, Vendée Vlogs…).
We want to attract French tourists, and more specifically local customers, for spring weekends and summer vacations.
After the summer season, Vendée Tourisme will be launching a new autumn-winter Trends in Vendée campaign.


3 – You set up the “Vendée Vlogs”, can you tell us about this project?

We were looking for original communication on social networks, to promote the Vendée of the 4 seasons, appeal to millenials while involving Tourist Office partners.
Since 2018, Vendée Tourisme has been banking on influencer marketing and working in collaboration with influencers such as Bruno Maltor, Alex Vizeo, Little Gypsy, L’Oiseau Rose.
These experiments have been very positive both in human and quantitative terms, thanks to high and immediate audiences.
So let’s continue with this strategy, which brings new audiences to the Vendée!

The Vendée Vlogs are a series of on-board experiences in the Vendée region throughout 2021.
Influencers Floriane and Léa opened their surprise box and officially launched the Vendée Vlogs adventure on their Instagram account earlier this week.
From May onwards, Floriane_LT and Léa Camilleri will take it in turns to visit the Vendée to enjoy a holiday packed with experiences.

Destination Saint Gilles Croix de Vie for Flo_LT #ceprintempsenvendée and destination Sud Vendée for Léa Camilleri #cetétéenvendée… At the end of each stay, the girls will produce a Vlog retracing their journey in Vendée.

Then come autumn and winter for new experiences.


4 – Why did you choose Travel-Insight for this Influence campaign?

This year, we decided to call on an agency specializing in influencer marketing to help us create a web series and boost our performance on social networks.

The initial brief was sent to several agencies specializing in social media.
We chose Travel Insight, whom we had met at IFTM Top Résa in the influencers zone, for their creative concept, the quality of their project management and their pertinent choice of influencers.


5 – You have also formed a partnership with Solutions&Co, the Pays de la Loire economic development agency.
What are the projects that will result from this partnership?

Just as the idea of Vendée Vlogs was taking shape, Solutions&Co approached us with the idea of partnering with influencers with strong communities.
We didn’t hesitate to join the project, as it would offer a complementarity in terms of audience and timing.
The TOP travel influencers in France are coming to Vendée this year!


6 – What message would you like to convey to French tourism professionals and travelers?

To all French travelers: to relive the essentials, rediscover nature and see the ocean again, choose Vendée as the destination for your next vacation!

Come and relive and rediscover the Vendée values of conviviality, the great outdoors, nature and the ocean… which, with the confines of curfews, have been so lacking.

Come and surf the Atlantic waves, board a flat boat in the heart of the Marais Poitevin, pedal along one of the Vélodyssée or Vélofrancette cycle paths, visit the Petites Cités de Caractère de Vendée or the Grand Parc du Puy du Fou!

I would also like to pay tribute to the dynamism and optimism of our players in the Vendée tourism industry, who, despite being battered by the pandemic on the one hand, and subjected to day-to-day information on the other, have managed to stay the course and mobilize to open their structures in the best possible conditions.
And well done to all those who continue to invest and innovate in the Vendée in these uncertain times.


7 – A final word?

I invite you to follow us at and on Facebook @vendee.tourisme and Instagram @vendeetourisme.

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