Back to the Travel d’Or

Last Thursday, July 8, was an opportunity for us to meet up with partners, friends and industry professionals at the Travel d’Or evening.
One of our most eagerly awaited events of the year.

Like its cousin, the Cannes Film Festival, which was taking place at the same time, I doubt that the evening’s guests would have had any doubts about attending with two invitations in hand for these events.



This evening event rewards tourism companies that have distinguished themselves over the year through their commitments, investments, digitalization and distribution… These awards bear witness to a sector and its professionals whose passion continues to drive them on, frustrated as they are and awaiting a recovery that is slowly taking shape for all concerned.

We were very honored during the evening by the presence of our guests, their good spirits, and above all by the prizes that two of them were able to win: Cyrielle Bon, General Manager of the Canadian Tourism Board, an award that recognizes the destination’s promotional work, and Bruno Maltor, for the award for best travel influencer of the year, he has specialized in travel since 2012, the year of his launch.
We were also very surprised to see Verychic on stage, who won the award for the retailer we’re working with on a branding mission.
Alexandra, Nicolas and Prixa: we congratulate you all once again, as well as all the teams who made this award possible.



The Travel d’Or helped us to open our eyes: professionals gathered together, all with the same conviction to show resilience and hope for a tourism recovery whose signals are increasingly green.
Borders are beginning to reopen without pre-requisites, collective immunity in France is only a matter of months away, the sector is putting old pans aside and coming together, airports and train stations are filling up.
Signals that none of us can afford to miss.
The next rendezvous for this hopeful tourism recovery will be launched by IFTM, to be held from October 5 to 8, with the sector in the start-up blocks, ready for recovery after a summer that should finalize this transition from stagnation to sales take-off.

In my opinion, summer is the last stretch of preparation and transition for tourism professionals.
There’s every reason to believe that September will finally see the gradual take-off of a real recovery, and thus of passenger departures.

We’re delighted and proud to have been able to provide our partners with digital support in the new year, and look forward to seeing the birth of our new product.e and the long-awaited launch of their investments in so many new projects.
For us, it was a year full of emotions and new challenges: Chapka and the launch of their new identity, Verychic and its rebranding, the “Everywhere” platform for IFTM, the launch of Amériques Aventures by Voyages Couture, Sologne and its TV campaigns, the redesign of the Cediv portal, the redesign of the SETO website, social media strategies for players like Eventiz, Visit Var, Resaneo, and the year’s many influencer campaigns including those for Vendée.

I wish you all a wonderful summer, whether restful or hard at work, a final stretch before the start of the new school year, which I hope, without a crystal ball, will be the tarmac for a new journey for everyone.
We look forward to seeing you in the autumn, too, with some important announcements for the agency and for you, for we too have been working quietly, and our work should make some noise.

  Read Bruno Maltor’s answers to our questions below:  

In 2012, you launched your travel blog and in 2021, you received the Influencer of the Year award at the Travel d’Or.
How did you get here?

I’d say it’s a mix of creativity, always trying to renew my content, never telling myself that just because something works, I’m going to do it all the time.
It’s also about asking the right questions: there are networks that can be interesting, especially where there aren’t many people yet.
For example, I launched on Instagram in 2015, at the time there weren’t many people who believed in it.
I’m doing the same thing right now with LinkedIn or even Tik Tok.
So it’s a mix of creativity, hard work, bets I’m going to bet on and the passion that I hope transpires through all my content.

What does this award mean to you?

It’s a symbol of all the hard work I’ve put in recently.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t mind winning it.
I’m proud and it means I can tell my grandparents that I’ve won a prize, and they’ll be very proud of me.

How do you see the future of tourism?

I think it will continue to be very local in the years to come, and it’s a trend that’s here to stay.
Don’t forget that this trend was already there before Covid: we didn’t wait for the economic crisis to hit France, and the French travel a lot in France.
And there may well be a growing desire for slow travel, for not “botching” a destination but taking the time to really discover it, to simply experience it.

Despite the current crisis, what have you done to stand out in the tourism sector during 2020/2021?

I’ve completely redesigned my blog from A to Z from a graphics point of view and I’ve released a board game.
These were my 2 big projects of the past year. Of course, I also made a lot of videos in France, and my content was adapted to the health crisis.
The revised graphic universe and the board game were 2 projects that enabled me to optimize my time and continue to stand out in the tourism sector.

What are your future projects?

The creation of a brand for travelers with shared values.
It’s a wonderful journey to be involved in such a project, and I hope it can be released before the end of the year. Stay tuned to my networks!

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Prenons rendez-vous sur IFTM du 17 au 19 septembre