How to position Valence-Romans in the media?

Naomi Nicolas, head of communications and press relations at Valence Romans Tourist Office, has been shaking things up for the past five years. Today, she wants to position the destination for the media. What is it about Valence Romans, a sunny destination at the gateway to the South of France, that makes it such an exceptional and special place?

Naomi Nicolas has been shaking things up at Valence Romans Tourist Office for the past five years. Now in charge of communications and press relations at the Valence Romans Tourist Office, she wants to position the destination with the media.

What is it about Valence Romans, a sunny destination at the gateway to the South of France, that makes it such an exceptional and special place?

1- Could you briefly introduce yourself and the mission of the Valence-Romans Tourist Office?

Valence Romans Tourisme’s best-known mission is to welcome and inform local, French and foreign customers visiting Valence Romans. Trip advisors provide travelers with information on the cultural and leisure activities on offer, as well as on events… But there’s also the hidden part of the iceberg.

Valence Romans Tourisme is made up of a number of departments dedicated to making the region attractive to a wide range of target groups, including the Groups and Conventions department, which organizes B-to-B and B-to-C events, the Territory Coordination department, which fosters relations between tourism players, the Events department, which organizes events and, of course, the Communications department, of which I am a member, which aims to promote Valence Romans as a destination through as many channels as possible.

2- What are your main lines of communication?

We’re proud to showcase an authentic, natural destination, where you can hike, bike, ride on adapted trails like the Viarhona… It’s also a gourmet destination. As a pioneer in organic farming, the region showcases its local produce in markets and at star restaurants, such as that of the world’s most Michelin-starred chef, Anne-Sophie Pic. The region’s shoe-making tradition, artisan skills and rich historical heritage are also waiting to be discovered!

Our communication media are varied: on the print side, we have our brochures, maps and destination magazine, distributed locally as well as in attractive tourist locations such as Lyon airport. We also sometimes run poster campaigns in the Lyon metro system. On the press side, we communicate with and welcome journalists on the wings of the season. On the digital side, all information is relayed via our website, and we have a strong presence on social networks, as well as sending out a newsletter and running display and collaborative campaigns throughout the Drôme region.

3- Who are your current and future targets?

Our targets are primarily tourists from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Paris (Valence is 2h15 from Paris by TGV), and the Marseille area (45 min by TGV from Valence). Internationally, we’re targeting the Dutch, Belgians, Swiss… Traveling as a family, or young couples & young retirees…

4- Why did you choose to work with Travel-Insight to manage your press relations?

This is the first time we’ve used a press agency! I’m well aware that these days it’s complicated to handle press relations on your own; you need time, a good address book, privileged contacts with journalists, follow-ups… I contacted Travel Insight for their skills, but also for their specialization in the tourism sector.

5 – What message would you like to convey to journalists?

Come and visit us in Valence Romans! Your stay will be rich in discoveries, authentic and gourmet! Take the opportunity to discover our events, such as the Valence en Gastronomie Festival. Spend a weekend tasting local specialties and chef’s meals, stroll around Valence Romans and get a change of scenery!

6 – A final word?

“The most beautiful voyage is the one you haven’t made yet”
Loïck Peyron quote

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