10 influencer marketing trends for 2023

Today, social networks and influence are playing an increasingly central role in marketing decisions. Travel-Insight today invites you to discover the 10 influencer marketing trends for 2023, so you can set up high-performance, creative campaigns for your brand!

1 – Legislation and framework: more responsible and transparent influencer marketing

Transparency and compliance with advertising rules are now essential in the world of influence. In the wake of the 2022 debates, the influencer industry is organizing itself to ensure maximum transparency for consumers, with the creation of theARPP ‘s “Certificat de l’Influence Responsable” and the SCRP‘s “Charte de la Relation Influenceurs”. All players in the value chain must commit to ensuring that this transparency continues: brands, agencies, platforms and influencers.

Influencer transparency is set to improve in 2023, as on Thursday March 30, 2023, the French National Assembly passed a bill aimed at combating influencer scams and abuses on social networks. This law introduces the obligation to display an informative banner during all promotions carried out by influencers, in order to be as transparent as possible with web users.

2 – Maximum influence and the development of the creator economy

Brands can no longer do without the important buying and advice influence that influencers can have on their communities. Influencers are now an essential part of the influence economy: product placement, co-production, special ranges, branded products, etc. Influencers are now fully involved in product development, not just content creation.

They are also becoming less brand-dependent as they create their own businesses, monetize and open up to the NFT market.

In the case of a creative collaboration, we have the example of influencer Little Gypsy, who had the opportunity to co-create trips to Canada with travel agency Voyages Couture. The concept: the influencer co-designed the trip, communicated about it to her community, then took part in the trip. The travel agency then marketed the trip for several years.

This operation enabled the brand and the influencer to increase their visibility, multiply the spin-offs and mutually enhance their image.

Another example is content creator Bruno Maltor, who has created “Périples“, his own brand of eco-responsible clothing and accessories.

3 – Asserting strong values and a responsible commitment, using social networks to spread messages

Brands are increasingly associating themselves with personalities with strong values and claims in order to develop their brand image. Consumers prefer brands that are leaders in environmental, social and economic sustainability. This enables brands to make their commitments heard through influencer marketing.

In the face of environmental urgency, influence is particularly called upon to use its power to promote more respectful modes of travel and consumption.

Today, for example, some influencers have opted not to fly, as in the case of TOLT, a young travel influencer who worked with us on an operation for the Italian Tourist Office, taking the train to Bardonecchia and Sicily.

4 – Micro-video and TikTok, the must-haves of 2023

Short-form content is a safe bet for maximizing completion rates and creating instant, simple, more authentic publications. Long videos, however, can be used to develop storytelling and originality through the use of special effects.

According to the latest Reech study, 34% of brands plan to launch an influencer campaign on the TikTok platform. Micro-influence is becoming a must, but it’s a good idea to vary the length of your videos!

In this sense, more and more tourism providers are using this type of short content to attract as many users as possible.

One example is Camping La Plage & Bord de Mer, which collaborated with influencer Chris Joyz to create a short TikTok video presenting the major advantages of a stay at the campsite. This initiative was a real springboard for Camping La Plage & Bord de Mer, as the video was viewed over 5 million times.

@chrisjoyz Any ideas for the next episode?? 😂😂 #papa #rire #drole #humour ♬ original sound – chrisjoyz

5 – LinkedIn: A growing network

Today, LinkedIn is the most effective social network for driving sales, with nearly 80% of B2B leads converted. In 2023, the platform will be used by 81% of B2B marketers for their marketing campaigns, with sponsored posts the format of choice. This business-oriented social network is becoming a must-have for promoting products.

Indeed, more and more influencers are present and active on this social network. LinkedIn gives them access to a new community, making it easier to connect with brands.

It’s a strategic choice for Bruno Maltor, Ulysse Lubin and Arthur Auboeuf, who have become increasingly active on this social network.

6 – Live, a format used to connect with the community

Live is a format increasingly used by influencers to chat directly with their communities, without filters, editing or scripts. First popularized with live gaming, live broadcasts can now be used for all types of content: talkshows, conferences, live cooking, music, drawing, etc. It’s a platform where creativity can express itself, and exchanges between Internet users can take place live!

Twitch, Instagram, LinkedIn or TikTok, more and more platforms are promoting this format, which encourages interactivity and proximity.

7 – The rise of social commerce

Social commerce is a form of e-commerce that uses social networks to sell products or services online. It enables brands and companies to reach a wider audience by harnessing social interactions and the power of social influence. It encompasses various tactics such as paid advertising on social networks, online stores integrated with social media pages and influencer marketing programs.

Today, generations Y and Z account for 62% of global spending on social commerce. Influencers will help your products and your brand gain visibility and enhance the value of your social networks, which can be a veritable virtual shop window.

8 – Entertain communities to increase membership

The rate of engagement increases as soon as game mechanics are used in a campaign: contests, quizzes, telling a story, etc. The possibilities are endless! What’s more, other benefits are visible with this mechanic: higher conversion rates, a sense of belonging, increased community, etc.

As part of an influencer campaign in collaboration with riviera Guadeloupe, influencer myweetcactus was able to win a heavenly stay for two in Guadeloupe.

By implementing this type of operation, the influencer increases the rate of engagement with his or her followers, and the destination gains in visibility.

9 – The importance of affiliation in influence

Affiliation is a great opportunity for brands, as the results are multiplied tenfold when this system is combined with an influencer marketing strategy. This consists in setting up a commission for the influencer for each sale made when he or she promotes a product and its purchase on his or her platforms. In particular, pay-for-performance makes it easier to control marketing budgets.

10 – When tomorrow’s influence goes beyond social networks

Today, 56% of influencers claim to be already active in the Metaverse in the USA, which represents new opportunities for brands, such as the organization of virtual events.

This also applies to audio and podcasts. Increasingly popular, many content creators have launched their own podcasts. More and more brands are making podcasts part of their strategy. This can be done by teaming up with a well-known podcaster, or by launching a brand-specific podcast. According to a study by Reech, 18% of agencies favor this format today, and 15% plan to bet on podcasts in 2023. It’s the 3rd most popular format that brands want to develop in the future, behind Twitch and TikTok.

Putting these influencer marketing trends for 2023 into practice will enable you to best achieve your goals by adopting the rules of the algorithms that make up social media platforms while attracting more and more users.

Making your mark on social networks by setting up influencer campaigns is now essential to ensuring your brand’s visibility and developing its image!

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