How to attract a senior target on social networks? The case of Visit Europe

Visit Europe is a tour operator specializing in holidays, tours and New Year’s Eve celebrations in Europe! A subsidiary of TO Travel Europe, Visit Europe’s tours are based on an excellent knowledge of their destinations. Their tourism offer is based on destinations selected on the basis of their strong natural or cultural tourist heritage, but also on themes that enable specialized enthusiasts to find what they’re looking for.

Meet Julia Klingler.

1 – Can you tell us a bit about yourself and Visit Europe’s mission?

I’m Austrian and have been with Travel Europe since 1997.
I started my career in the sales department and then held various positions up to Operational Manager.
Today, I divide my time between Travel Europe’s headquarters in Stans and Visit Europe’s headquarters in Nogent.
Visit Europe’s mission is to offer its individual customers trips to most European countries in the form of tours, stays, auto tours and cruises.

2 – What is your current digital strategy for attracting your main target – senior citizens?

We can see a clear trend in the use of computers by this age group.
Indeed, Covid has largely contributed to this boom, as it was sometimes the only means of communicating with family or keeping busy during periods of confinement.
With more free time on their hands, today’s seniors take pleasure in consulting different sites, social networks, digital newspapers, subscribing to newsletters… It is therefore essential for us to follow this trend and perfect all the digital media at our disposal in order to capture this clientele.
In the coming months, we will be developing our communication through social networks and newsletters to highlight the richness of our production.

3 – Why did you choose Travel-Insight to help you manage your social networks?

To each his own!
We needed new energy and a breath of fresh air in this field.
For us, it was essential to work with an agency specialized in the tourism market and well-informed about our needs.

4 – How much of your sales are now digital?

We have optimized our sites and technological solutions to promote online sales.
B2B and B2C sales via the Internet now account for around 70% of our total sales.

5 – What are the top European destinations for summer 2022?

At Visit Europe, the most popular destinations are Portugal, Italy, Austria, Corsica and Scotland, although the war in Ukraine has dampened sales.

On the other hand, Poland and the Czech Republic are currently in real difficulty.

6 – Do you have any future projects to share with us for 2022?

This winter, we are launching a ski and winter sports break or winter discovery of the Tyrol with direct weekly flights from Paris to Innsbruck and via Munich from the provinces.
We are also offering a free coach transfer from Alsace to Austria to take advantage of our winter offers.

7 – What message would you like to convey to tourism professionals or travelers?

All our teams are in full swing to satisfy customer requests and needs from booking to destination, thanks to our 15 French-speaking subsidiaries.
Our aim is to meet everyone’s expectations as best we can during this sometimes complicated period of recovery.

8 – The final word?

Happy summer vacations to all!
Fingers crossed for a positive future, rich in travel and discovery, and that the last two years will soon be a distant memory.

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