Pinterest, Gen Z’s new playground

Welcome to the fascinating world of Pinterest!

While other social networks like Instagram and TikTok often dominate social media discussions, Pinterest has managed to establish itself as a space for creativity and inspiration. Its objective? To digitize the traditional cork board on which we hang photos, postcards or messages. Yes, Pinterest is first and foremost a visual search and discovery engine.

Long associated with a platform reserved for Millennials in search of bohemian-style home decor, Pinterest has surprised many by conquering a new audience: Generation Z (people born between 1997 and 2010).

In this article, we offer you all the keys to mastering Pinterest and targeting Gen Z!

Pinterest and Gen Z: a new love affair

For over a year now, young people have been returning to the application, placing images and video at the heart of their way of consuming information, as is the case with TikTok and YouTube. Generation Z is the fastest-growing audience on this platform, now accounting for over 40% of monthly active users worldwide.

Pinterest and Gen Z

So why the craze? Quite simply because Gen Z attaches great importance to self-affirmation and the construction of its individual and personal identity. This new generation actively strives to find authentic ways of representing themselves, whether through fashion, beauty, food… or any other means of expression designed to fully reflect their identity.
And it’s on Pinterest that they find their happiness!

Popular features on Pinterest

Today on Pinterest, you can find a considerable amount of varied visual content such as photos, videos, GIFs or infographics that are organized into pins, which are then grouped into themed boards.

In 2024, Pinterest’s algorithm has changed again! Today, the app relies on several criteria similar to Google’s to assess content relevance. Its algorithm takes into consideration elements such as domain authority (DA) or domain quality, pin engagement, user quality and overall relevance. We could also mention cross-network cooptation, but we’ll tell you about that a little later 😉

There are 3 key features on this search engine that appeal to a large number of users, particularly Gen Z: collages, vision boards and shopping. website home page

The collages

The collage option, available only on Pinterest’s mobile app, is a hit with young people. 72% of collage creators belong to Gen Z. This feature is very popular because it’s interactive. Each element can be clicked and linked to a Pinterest pin. This creates social links: young people will create their collages and then send them to their friends, creating a real community spirit.

Pinterest and Gen Z

Vision boards

Inspiring image content is truly the key to the platform. While Millennials tend to create mood boards for aesthetic purposes, such as decorating their home or organizing an event, Gen Z users are looking for a life-goal planner. This is what we call a vision board. It’s more intimate, and will help them define their dreams and projects.


Social shopping” is gaining momentum. Recently, Pinterest users have been able to discover new brands and their products thanks to “Shopping Spotlights”, trendy content selected by experts and highlighted on Pinterest. These “Shopping Spotlights” are designed like a magazine that can be leafed through. Another new feature is the ability to purchase a product from the search bar, thanks to a new dedicated tab.

According to a GlobalData survey, by 2023, more than four out of ten Generation Z and Millennial consumers will make a purchase via Pinterest Shopping at least once a month. It’s therefore a feature not to be overlooked when it comes to showcasing your brand and winning over new, ultra-connected buyers.

Pinterest and Gen Z

Challenges and opportunities for Pinterest in its relationship with Gen Z

Pinterest is very interesting and relevant for young people. In particular, we’re seeing a phenomenon of cross-network co-optation. They will therefore pick up new trends from other social media and apply them to Pinterest. Over the past year, Pinterest has organically joined TikTok trends, which are gradually finding their way onto the application, like “night routines” for example.

It’s also important to emphasize that Pinterest is a caring space. No race for likes, no negative comments or competition: young people feel safe on the app, compared to other social media being accused of harming their mental health.

A recent study by the University of Berkeley, in the USA, even highlighted the fact that daily interaction with inspiring content on Pinterest helps students of the new generation to combat burn out and stress. You could say that Pinterest is becoming a ray of sunshine in the Internet ☀️

In short, Pinterest is proving to be much more than just a platform for sharing images and ideas, but a genuine space for creativity and inspiration, where Gen Z is free to express its identity and aspirations. Thanks to its constantly evolving functionalities, Pinterest meets the changing needs of this hyper-connected generation. As you can see, the app has become our young people’s new favorite playground.

To get started on Pinterest or make your account go viral 🔥, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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