Social media trends for 2024

Social media is constantly evolving with the times, and 2024 holds many surprises in store! As platforms continue to develop and new social media trends emerge, brands need to adapt to stay relevant and connect authentically with their audience.

Let’s discover the trends that will shape the social media landscape in 2024!

Long videos: the captivating format

The long-form video format is gaining in popularity in 2024, offering content creators the opportunity to delve deeper into their subjects and deliver significant added value to their audience. It’s also the perfect way to produce truly high-quality content.

As illustrated by the behind-the-scenes videos of the Château de Versailles on YouTube, this immersive approach builds long-term audience loyalty by offering unique, captivating expertise.

Behind the scenes at the Palace of Versailles in long format on Youtube.

Federating communities for a deeper connection

Since 2023, the Meta group has been multiplying initiatives to highlight broadcast channels on Instagram, WhatsApp or even Facebook, to encourage brands to federate their communities.

By reaching out in a more spontaneous way, they create deeper bonds with their audience, as demonstrated by the Facebook group “Les Amis de CFC”, launched by CFC Croisières. Internet users can share their experiences with each other, but also with the company. This sharing of experiences increases trust in the brand. It’s a very interesting channel to exploit in 2024!

CFC Croisières and its B2C Facebook group “Friends of CFC”.

The end of hashtags and priority to SEO

Historically, hashtags have been a key tool for increasing the visibility of content by theme or trend. But 2024 will be the year of change. From now on, the focus will shift to SEO, thanks to advances in search algorithms and the personalization of content feeds.

This means that brands and content creators will need to adopt more advanced SEO strategies, which include the use of strategic keywords, the creation of quality content, and optimization for voice and mobile search, as well as for user search intent.

The power of micro-influence

In 2024, micro-influencers (less than 100,000 subscribers) remain key players in marketing strategies. Despite their smaller subscriber base, these content creators boast high engagement rates, with a strong ability to engage their communities and get close to them. It’s this proximity that inspires greater trust among Internet users, offering an authentic and more ethical alternative to mass processing.

To name but a few, travel content creators such as @jeyxplore and @louiseebelpandora have mastered the art of showcasing destinations while inviting Internet users to discover their own world. And that’s what we like!

Caroussel from influencer @louiseebelpandora on her trip to Egypt, during an eductour with Travel Evasion.
Real from influencer @jeyxplore on her blogtrip to the Dominican Republic, in collaboration with hotels Viva resorts by Wyndham

Online/offline complementarity: maximizing the impact and reach of messages

In 2024, the complementary nature of online and offline communication has become a must. While online communication offers immense reach and precise targeting possibilities to reach a qualified audience, offline communication offers a more tangible and credible experience.

By combining these two approaches, companies can create coherent, synergistic campaigns. For example, a campaign might start online to generate interest and awareness, then continue offline with in-store events or promotions to reinforce engagement and encourage action.

Don’t hesitate to take advantage of both channels, and don’t underestimate their power once connected!

Sustainable and responsible communication: a reflection of growing awareness

This year, more than ever, consumers expect brands to integrate ethical and ecological values into their communications, with transparency and honesty. This trend embodies the growing awareness of environmental and social issues.

In the tourism sector, brands and destinations are increasingly communicating their commitment to more responsible tourism.

This is the case, for example, of Les Arcs resort, part of the Paradiski area, which advocates its ambition to preserve its mountain areas, while being aware of the significant mobility generated by skiing.

Infographic available on the Les Arcs resort website
*Study carried out by UTOPIES as part of the drafting of the sector guide for the evaluation of GHG footprints in the sports, mountain and tourism sector.

Textual content in vogue

With the revival of Twitter, renamed X, and the arrival of Threads in Europe, platforms are increasingly making room for textual content. The engagement generated by written content on LinkedIn and the sharing of textual content on TikTok also reinforce this observation.

Textual content is on trend in 2024, and it’s a good idea to exploit it!

Using AI: challenges and opportunities

The growing use of AI is set to continue into 2024. Text, sound, images and video… More and more content will be produced using these tools. Beware, however, of relying too heavily on AI, which should be seen above all as an aid.

Today, AI has become an invaluable aid for travelers, particularly when it comes to searching for getaways. It has also become an effective tool for comparing flights and planning activities.
In fact, many brands in the tourism sector use AI to carry out their various communication campaigns, such as the billboard proposed by Val Thorens, to promote its resort and attract skiers.

Display Val Thorens, created with the help of AI

The power of Social Ads

In 2024, no more cookies, just Social Ads! This year, companies will have to totally rethink their social media advertising strategy.

Fortunately, thanks to social networks, brands now reach a much wider audience, and the arrival of Social Ads has made it possible to gather essential information about users. The potential of advertising on social networks is considerable, and it’s now essential to have a real SMO strategy!

To sum up, social media trends in 2024 highlight the need for brands to cultivate expertise, engage their audience authentically and promote enduring values. By adopting a strategic approach and staying attuned to the needs and concerns of their audience, companies can thrive in this ever-changing landscape.

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