How is destination Spain preparing for the summer season in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic?

Spain is one of the most popular European destinations for the French.
The reasons for this include its magnificent and varied landscapes, welcoming people, world-renowned gastronomy and close proximity to France.

Since March 2020, we’ve seen that the strategy adopted in the face of Covid-19 differs from region to region.
Madrid, for example, has recently relaxed measures and restrictions.
This includes opening restaurants until 11pm.
How is Spain preparing for summer 2021?
Let’s meet TATIANA MARTINEZ RAMOS, Director of the Spanish Tourist Board.


1 – Could you briefly introduce yourself and the mission of theTourist Office of Spain in France?

Turespaña is the body within the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism responsible for promoting Spanish tourism in the various outbound markets.
We have a network of 33 offices abroad, many of them in Europe.
Our office in Paris has been operating without interruption since 1929.
Our mission is not only to promote the arrival of tourists in Spain, but also to ensure that this arrival conforms to the tourism model we want for our country in terms of profitability, diversification, that they carry out different activities and that they produce a balanced and sustainable development of the territories.

Turespaña es el organismo dependiente del Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo que tiene la responsabilidad de promover el turismo hacia España en los distintos mercados emisores.
Tenemos una red de 33 oficinas (OET), muchas de las cuales están en Europa.
Nuestra oficina en París lleva funcionando sin interrupción desde el año 1929.
Nuestra misión es promover, no solo la llegada de turistas a España, sino también que esa llegada sea acorde con el modelo turístico que queremos para nuestro país en términos de rentabilidad, de diversificación, que realicen actividades distintas y que produzcan un desarrollo equilibrado y sostenible del turismo.


2 – How is Spain dealing with the spread of the virus?

It’s been a very tough and atypical year all over the world, but especially in Spain, one of the world’s leading tourist destinations.
We had to adapt quickly to this new, unprecedented situation, collaborate and coordinate intensively, define and implement prevention and safety measures against the pandemic…
And let me tell you, the Spanish tourism sector has done this like no other, since we are the most competitive country in the world when it comes to tourism.

Ha sido un año muy duro y atípico a nivel mundial, pero especialmente en España que es uno de los líderes mundiales en turismo.
Nos hemos tenido que adaptar rápidamente a esta nueva situación inédita, a colaborar y coordinarnos de forma intensa y a definir e implementar medidas de prevención y seguridad contra la pandemia… Y déjeme que le diga, el sector turístico español ha sabido, como ninguno, hacerlo, porque para eso somos el país más competitivo a nivel turístico.


3 – You’ve set up Travel Safe. Can you tell us about this project?

With #TravelSafe, TURESPAÑA has set itself two objectives: firstly, to provide information on the requirements and conditions for safe travel, and secondly, to inspire and influence travelers’ purchase intentions.
TravelSafe is a 360º communication strategy, with a traveler information microsite integrated into the official portal, translated into 9 languages including French.
On the site, travelers can find out not only about conditions for entering Spain, but also about measures adopted by the Regions (mobility restrictions, capacity of restaurants and other tourist services, etc.).

Con #TravelSafe, TURESPAÑA se ha marcado dos objetivos: por un lado, informar sobre los requisitos y condiciones para viajar con seguridad y, por otro, inspirar e influir en la intención de compra de los viajeros.
TravelSafe es una estrategia de comunicación de 360º con, entre otras cosas, un micrositio de información para los viajeros integrado en el portal oficial, traducido a 9 idiomas, incluido el francés.
En el sitio, los viajeros pueden informarse sobre las condiciones de entrada en España y las medidas adoptadas por cada una de las Comunidades Autónomas (restricciones de movilidad, capacidad de los restaurantes y servicios turísticos, etc.).



4 – What will be put in place to welcome travelers during the summer season?
Are you positive about the upturn in tourism?

The Spanish government is convinced that the evolution of the vaccination process, together with the health passport that the EU wants to introduce as soon as possible, will enable tourism to resume for the summer.
We will have security features such as the digital certificate, vaccination will progress and we will therefore have more security to move forward without this being an element that runs counter to the priority, which is to combat the pandemic.

(El gobierno español confía en que la evolución del proceso de vacunación, unido al pasaporte sanitario que la UE quiere poner en marcha cuanto antes, permita la recuperación del turismo de cara al verano.
Contaremos con elementos de

seguridad como el certificado digital, avanzará la vacunación y por lo tanto tendremos más seguridad para movernos sin que esto sea un elemento que vaya en contra de la prioridad, que es combatir la pandemia).


5 – What message would you like to convey to French tourism professionals and travelers?

I think Spain’s tourism brand is very resilient and most of our French visitors have known us for many years.
We don’t need to tell them that we have excellent health, transport or accommodation infrastructures.
What we do need to do, and this is an appeal to the entire tourism sector, is to better communicate the measures we have taken, such as the prevention guides for the entire sector (hotels, restaurants, beaches, etc.).
These measures have made the sector safer than it would have been without them, and they should be seen as an added value, not an inconvenience.

I’d also like to stress that the pandemic is an unprecedented opportunity to reorganize the sector and ensure not only its growth but also its sustainability, with inclusion and responsibility as priorities.
It’s up to us to act accordingly and reconcile all human activity, including tourism and travel, with a concept of sustainability not only for the environment, but also for culture and the local economy.

Creo que la marca turística España es muy resiliente y la mayoría de nuestros visitantes franceses nos conocen desde hace muchos años y de primera mano.
No les tenemos que contar que tenemos buenas infraestructuras sanitarias, de transporte o de alojamiento.
Lo que sí tenemos que hacer, y esto es un llamamiento a todo el sector turístico, es una mejor comunicación de las medidas que hemos tomado, como las guías de prevención para todo el sector (hoteles, restaurantes, playas, etc.).
Esas medidas han hecho que el sector haya sido más seguro de lo que podría haber sido en ausencia de las mismas y tienen que ser percibidas como un valor añadido, no como una incomodidad.


5 – The final word?

In Spain, we welcome you with open arms.
Our lifestyle, our joy, our excellent cuisine, our incredible landscapes, our beaches, our cities of art and history, our museums… are waiting for you.
With the new health safety measures, and with caution, it’s possible to enjoy our country once again.

En España les estamos esperando con los brazos abiertos.
Nuestro estilo de vida, nuestra alegría, nuestra excelente gastronomía, nuestros increíbles paisajes, nuestras playas, nuestras ciudades repletas de arte y de historia, nuestros museos… les están esperando.
Con las nuevas medidas de seguridad sanitaria, y con precaución, disfrutar de nuestro país vuelve a ser posible.


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