Social networking communication trends for 2020

By 2020, there will be 3.7 billion social network users, representing 48% of the world’s population.
Impressive, isn’t it?
And this figure continues to rise.
We also know that over 97% of these users access their social networks via their mobiles.
An interesting fact when it comes to adapting content and visuals to mobile formats…

When it comes to the use of social networks, Facebook is obviously still in first place with 2.45 billion monthly active users, followed by YouTube with 2 billion, Instagram with 1 billion and finally Twitter with 330 million.
After these few figures, it’s time for us to reveal to you, through this article, the trends that will appear or have already appeared on our social networks for this year 2020 in the world of travel.
Find out what’s new and what you don’t want to miss!

What are the new features?

The functionalities and new tools of social networks are evolving enormously.
Every month brings new innovations.
However, here are a few Social Media news items of interest to the travel industry.

Youtube Ads will be the new advertising opportunity for travel brands.
Today, over 40 million French people visit Youtube to watch videos every month.
The social network’s target audience is 93% 25-49 year-olds and 90% CSP+.
The advertising formats on offer, in particular TrueView in-Stream, allow you to pay only if the ad is viewed for more than 30 seconds.

In 2020, we should also see an acceleration of e-commerce on Facebook and Instagram.
The purchase transaction will be directly integrated into these social networks, which will then be able to contribute to your business.

Our article on Social Media trends for 2019 highlighted the rise of ephemeral content on social networks such as Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories and Snapchat.
In 2020, this trend is still relevant and unavoidable for brands.
Instagram Stories is constantly reinventing itself, notably with the creation of augmented reality filters that are multiplying on the network.
The opening of Spark AR, a filter creation tool, has enabled many brands to stand out thanks to this trend.
It was therefore mandatory for us to create our own Instagram film, which you can find directly in the Instagram filters search tab by searching for Travel Insight or directly here

The point is to reach a very large audience quickly, as the filter name and your brand name appear at the top of the stories.
So creating this filter will give you great visibility.

Messenger will also allow stories to appear directly in messaging, bringing greater visibility to a feature that is still underused on Facebook.
Linkedin is also interested in this trend, and is currently testing stories in China, which will be rapidly rolled out in Europe this year.
Very interesting information for developing your employer brand or B2B visibility.

Among the 2020 trends, we have to mention TikTok, a social network whose popularity is constantly growing.
There are currently 625 million users.
It allows users to share short videos (3 to 15 seconds) accompanied by music.
This network represents a means of innovation for businesses, but you have to be careful with its audience, which remains very young at the moment: 77% of users are under 24.

In other Social Media news, in 2019 we saw the withdrawal of likes on Instagram affecting certain accounts for the time being in France.
This will also apply to likes on Facebook posts in 2020.
However, users will still be able to see reactions to posts with emoticons, but the number will be replaced by a few usernames.

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What about Pinterest?

Pinterest is gradually winning the hearts of Internet users.
In one year, its number of active users grew by 28% to 322 million by the end of 2019.

This strong growth means that the network is becoming increasingly attractive to travel professionals.
These attractions are numerous, not least because its audience is CSP+, 70% female and intentional.
In other words, users go to Pinterest with a precise goal, a project that will eventually lead to a concrete realization, which therefore represents a target not to be overlooked.
We’ve also noticed a strong growth in traffic to the websites of brands present on Pinterest, as the pins all link to a URL.

And what about creativity?

In 2020, you’ll need to be even more innovative and creative in your social networking posts.

Let’s start with Facebook, a network on which the posts of tourism brands are often similar and repetitive.
It’s essential to stand out from the crowd by showing originality while remaining true to your values.

For example, multi-photo posts on Facebook can be reinvented by creating links between selected visuals.
They can be linked by graphic elements, a logo or storytelling.

In fact, this will be the year of change for multi-photo posts.
Automated templates with different formats will be integrated into Facebook’s creator studio publishing tool.
Here are a few examples of the templates that will be available:

On Instagram, Hubspot’s latest study shows that Instagram posts with an image get 27.55% more engagement than a post with a video, and 13.55% more likes than a photo carousel.

We also remind you of the best practices to use on Instagram to cope with the algorithm that will continue to drive down the organic reach of publications in 2020.

  • Create inspiring and original visuals
  • Write coherent, useful captions
  • Think about an SMO budget dedicated to Instagram
  • Use Instagram’s new features: GIF creation, filters…
  • Publish at the right times
  • Select the hashtags your target audience is looking for
Some examples of original Instagram feeds: @routecuba and @subocea

To sum up, in 2020, it’s essential for every travel industry player to be visible on social networks, and to understand current trends in order to apply them to a relevant and effective digital strategy.

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