Press relations support for tour operator Ze-camping


Ze-camping, a 100% Camping specialist tour operator founded in 2014 by two enthusiasts, offers a collection of campsites, visited and selected according to their precise quality charter, with state-of-the-art accommodation, and Ze-camping’s “Quality and Trust” positioning acts as a sure bet. We offer a wide range of weekend and mid-week breaks, complementing our weekly offer to meet current market trends.

Operating mainly on a B2B basis, Ze-camping also wishes to position itself with the general public, to generate bookings directly via its website. We therefore need to communicate with the generalist and B2C tourism media to raise its profile and position itself as a specialist and leading distributor of outdoor accommodation in France.

The agency’s response and actions

To raise Ze-camping’s profile, the agency called on its network of journalists to give the floor to Stéphane Michel, Associate Director and Ze-camping Development Director. The result was an interview on France Inter, ranked France’s1st most listened-to radio station for the past 13 years. Recorded on Wednesday April 20 at the Maison de la Radio, the column was broadcast on Sunday May1 in Philippe Lefebvre’s Chronique Tourisme and relayed on the France Inter website.

  • Monthly press releases to raise Ze-camping’s profile in the B2B, generalist and consumer tourism media (Biba magazine, Télé 7 jours, etc.).
  • Soliciting and contacting our network of journalists to arouse interest and generate requests for interviews and articles in the media.
  • Organization of an interview with France Inter
  • Accompanying the customer from recording to broadcasting

Broadcast Sunday May1, 2022 on France Inter.

Relay on the France Inter website: https: //

Key figures in our collaboration

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