Training – Managing social networks for tourism destinations and brands


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Social networks play an important role in communication and information dissemination strategies, whether you’re a professional in the sector (tour operator, travel agency or platform/comparator) or a tourist destination (Pays, ADT, CDT, OT). They’re essential for ensuring the visibility and reputation of your brand, and they’re also the number 1 asset for generating traffic, sales and new travelers.
The aim of this training course is to explain how to activate them for your business in order to boost your visibility, sales and visitor numbers at your destination. Now it’s time for inspiration, and the creation of qualified, engaged traffic.

Why call on us for social media travel? We are experts in digital strategy and the management of digital communication campaigns for tourism brands and destinations.
We master the codes of inspirational communication to attract curiosity, engage, build loyalty and create qualified traffic on your website. Our training courses are prefabricated, but are tailored to the specific needs of each company or destination.
The program is defined in advance, but the content is totally customized to ensure maximum relevance, from theory to action.

We offer 3 training courses to become an expert in social networks

Each of our training courses has a highly operational theoretical part and a practical part to immerse each trainee in real-life learning.

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1/ Introduction to social networking and community management :

  • Introduction and evolution of the web (1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0)
  • Why use social networks to promote your brand?
  • What are social networks, their targets and how can they be used by tourism professionals?
  • What is communtiy management and how should I define my communication?
  • Key figures for social networks: What is reach?
  • Communicate on social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube and produce initial publications
  • Discovering paid advertising on social networks
  • Analyze results and make decisions
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2/ How to implement a social media travel strategy :

  • Conduct an audit of your communications and competitive positioning
  • Learn to identify your targets and how to reach them
  • Choosing your communication levers and networks
    • Social networks
    • Influence marketing
  • Define your communications chestnut and ensure consistency with your destination’s marketing strategy or objectives
  • Defining the tone of communication and language elements
  • Case studies and communication ideas to develop your visibility
  • Outline for building your social network communication strategy
  • Create social media communication reports and influence mission reports
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3/ Mastering content creation and distribution on social networks

  • Conduct an audit of your communications and competitive positioning
  • Learn to identify your targets and how to reach them
  • Choosing your communication levers and networks
  • How do you create visual content for your destination or brand?
    • Collaborate with bloggers, influencers and content creators
    • Using freelancers
    • Learn how to create your own visual content
    • Tools for creating visuals and formatting publications
  • Discover SMO: social media optimization (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin)
  • Master Facebook Business Manager to create your own communication campaigns
  • Some examples of communication campaigns on social networks
  • Analyze results and define future content production objectives
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Who should attend?

This course is designed for anyone wishing to use influencer marketing services to promote their brand through bloggers, influencers, celebrities …

  • Company manager
  • Social media communications manager
  • Digital communications manager
  • Press and media relations manager / officer
  • Commercial relations/sales manager

Training location :

Training can take place on our premises, your premises or anywhere in the world.

Course duration :

Each course lasts one day, i.e. 7 hours.

Training prerequisites :

There are no absolute prerequisites, and we’ll take you from the beginning on how to communicate on social networks, with an introduction to (re)establish the basics of community management and the importance of social networks for your brand or destination.

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For further information & quotation

Make an appointment now!