Customer interview : The launch of Evasions USA travel agency

When you launched your travel agency specializing in the United States, you decided to place your trust in us, and today your reputation is unquestionable.
From the creation of your identity, to your website, to your launch on social networks, we’ve carried out a wide range of missions to ensure your effective appeal.
Here’s a look back at this collaboration.

Can you introduce yourself and tell us more about Evasions USA?

Evasions USA is a travel agency / tour operator specializing in the United States..
Les voyageurs font appel à nos services pour l’organisation de leurs voyages sur mesure aux USA (vols, hébergements, location de voiture, camping-car, moto, activités…).
Notre idée première est de créer des voyages adaptés à tout budget.
En effet, chez Evasions USA, nous proposons aussi bien des motels, des logements atypiques, des hôtels de chaînes ou encore des hébergements 4 et 5 étoiles, afin de répondre à tous les souhaits de nos clients.


What are the challenges facing a travel agency like yours in terms of digital communication?

It’s essential to create a strong image on social networks, especially for an agency like ours, which is 100% online.
We need to stand out from the crowd by offering different, more authentic content, and by bringing our added value of local knowledge to the various media chosen for our agency’s communications.
We are currently working on the development of our existing media and the creation of a new medium for exchange with our community of travelers.
Our challenge: to become a benchmark for tailor-made travel in the USA!

Why and how did you come to call on our communications agency?

Our premise was that if we wanted to develop quickly and professionally, we needed to surround ourselves with a good communications team who could support us, establish a strategy and implement our ideas.
We called on Travel Insight to draw on their expertise in travel and tourism communications.
After meeting Célia and Stanislas in Paris, the adventure began!

What have you learned from our collaboration, and what have been your success stories?

Our collaboration has enabled us to create and grow our community on social networks, notably with over 10,000 subscribers on Facebook and several thousand on Instagram.
The interactions with our loyal community, lovers of travel and the United States, are our greatest source of pride, as it now includes a large number of customers who have trusted us with the creation of their trips.

We also benefited from our contacts with a number of influencers, including Margot from the blog YouMakeFashion, with whom we collaborated for the first time.
We were able to carry out a joint project for her community and Evasions USA.
The collaboration was a real success, and we’re still in touch to imagine a future trip together.

Our thoughts also go out to Coralie from the blog Ellesenparlent, who discovered California as a couple; to Inès (@inesduhard) and Pauline from the blog Blondie-Baby, who traveled through New England for Halloween with their girlfriends; and finally to Marion from the blog Fringe&Frange, who traveled through Louisiana last November with her beautiful little family!

A big thank you to Travel Insight for its choice of caring, authentic influencers, which is crucial to the success of our collaborations!

How were the results of these operations measured?

Quite simply, by the increase in requests for quotations.

What did you get out of it?

This has enabled us to strengthen our image, develop our community and customer base and, above all, make our services known to a large number of people.

What are your next projects?

Initially, we’d like to continue our development by expanding our team in order to respond quickly and qualitatively to growing demand.

We’re looking to create a new medium to help our community learn more about the United States.

We will be setting up tools on our social networks to put our travelers at the heart of our communication.

Finally, we’ll be developing new collaborations to help our travelers discover as many regions as possible, and make them even more eager to travel across this magnificent country.

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