Emerging trends on LinkedIn in 2024

Today we’re going to talk about LinkedIn, aka the professional social network par excellence! The platform has experienced constant growth and evolution over the years. In 2024, it’s more dynamic than ever, with new trends shaping the way professionals and businesses interact, connect and network.

In this article, we’ll explore with you the emerging trends on LinkedIn, for the year 2024. Let’s get started!

1/ The rise of native video content

A trend not to be missed on LinkedIn in 2024: the rise of native video content. Professionals are increasingly using video to share their knowledge, showcase their expertise and connect with their audience.

While this was less the case on this network, unlike TikTok or Instagram, native videos are given greater prominence by the algorithm in the News Feed, encouraging more users to create and share video content. Smile, you’re being filmed!

2/ The rise of personal branding

Once again this year, authenticity remains at the heart of a good LinkedIn strategy.

Posts, publications and comments that reflect the real personality of an individual or company generate greater engagement. Users want to know you! They are now looking for more human connections and authentic interactions rather than stereotyped messages.

Today, many professionals share personal anecdotes and challenges they’ve overcome to inspire their audiences and create genuine connections. This is where personal branding comes in. A well-constructed and regularly updated LinkedIn profile offers a virtual showcase for presenting expertise, career paths and achievements. It’s a unique opportunity to tell your professional story in a captivating way, highlighting your key skills and know-how. Get writing! ✍️

3/ Highlighting high value-added content

Professionals on LinkedIn increasingly recognize the value of quality content. Articles, infographics and case studies that provide real information and actionable insights are widely shared and commented on. The emphasis is on creating informative content rather than simply promoting products or services.

This is also the type of content that the platform’s algorithm will prioritize: the more interesting a post is and the more interest it generates, the more it will be pushed up the news feed!

But what is effective content? We take a closer look in our article on the best practices to adopt on LinkedIn!

4/ The growth of BtoB influence

We’re not telling you anything, influence is performing and continuing to develop in 2024. What is changing, however, is BtoB influence, which is booming on LinkedIn.

This translates, for example, into the creation of partnerships between companies and influencers who have already established a reputation in their field. These influencers then share content that highlights the company’s products or services, reaching an engaged and targeted audience, all in a more authentic way.

Influencers also use Linkedin to promote and “sell” themselves as a brand, highlighting their work, collaborations, values and so on. We’re also seeing the rise of UGC (User Generated Content) Creators on LinkedIn, who canvass future customers on this network while providing an expert point of view on communications.

5/ Employee advocacy

Who better to talk about a company than its employees? This is what we callemployee advocacy. A trend that continues to prove its worth in 2024! In fact, content produced by employees generates 8 times more engagement than that proposed by brands or companies.

The principle is simple: employees become ambassadors for their company, speaking out on LinkedIn about its values, news and other exciting topics.

If you haven’t already done so, this is a trend you’ll want to adopt right away! Because the benefits are numerous. It’s a way of raising your brand’s profile, reinforcing your image and building a real relationship of trust with your prospects and partners. As well as giving your communication a new meaning, it’s also a good way for employees to showcase their skills and develop soft skills. The winning combo 😉

To sum up, in 2024 LinkedIn is becoming a space where professionals seek to make meaningful connections, share knowledge and create professional opportunities. Emerging trends emphasize native video content, authenticity, high value-added content and BtoB influence, with a focus on expertise and value-added content.

Is your resolution for 2024 to breathe new life into your LinkedIn profile? We offer training courses to help you be as effective as possible on this network! Contact us 😁

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