How can we reconcile local tourism with the desire to go further afield?

The Salon des Voyages en Auvergne, the first major trade show dedicated to the world of tourism in the heart of France, will soon be opening its doors for the first edition. A festive, family-friendly show… But above all, hybrid. The concept is based on promoting all destinations in France and abroad, but also highlighting the local area around Auvergne. A major challenge!

Today Travel-Insight interviews Jessica Pommier, founder of Salon des Voyages, to find out more.

1 – Can you introduce yourself in a few lines?

I’m from Auvergne, and I was literally born and raised in the world of tourism, a world I’ve always been passionate about and explored its many facets.

My grandparents, who were farmers producing St Nectaire cheese, set up a farm campsite in the 1970s, and my parents took over the open-air hotel when I was born. In the space of 40 years, it became the number 1 in Auvergne, the region’s first 5-star hotel, with 450 pitches on 13 hectares of land, a water park and an artificial lake, all of which were built independently over the years. We sold this family business in 2021, at its peak, to the Sandaya tourism group.

Alongside the development of the family business I started my career in brand content at the Walt Disney Company France in cinema marketing and in 2015 I made a 360 turn by setting off on a year-long world tour, solo and backpacking. This was before the Instagram era.
I documented my travels with video reports for children. So I launched a blog called “Mes Ptits Bouts Du Monde” to meet children.

On my return, I professionalized this activity, which was one of the first professional blogs, and started to promote destinations and tourism players. With a clear positioning: highlight local nuggets in France with as much enthusiasm as the other side of the world. To promote local tourism without denying the richness of distant travel.
Today, a community of 80,000 enthusiasts continues to follow my adventures, and I’ve set down my backpack in some fifty countries, but the content has evolved along with me, as I got married and became the mother of two little girls. Today, I’m 36 years old and work every day to promote tourism. I’m founder and president of the “Perpète Les Olivettes – Raconte nous un voyage” association for the elderly, and organize many travel events in my region with the “Les Passeurs d’Aventure” association.

In 2024, I’m taking the gamble of launching a new Salon Des Voyages on the French market, positioned in my home region of Auvergne. I’ve created a new company dedicated to its organization, and hope to establish this event as an annual rendez-vous in the region. The first edition will take place on January 20-21, 2024 at the Polydome convention center in Clermont-Ferrand.

2. What is the mission and purpose of the Salon des Voyages en Auvergne?

Why launch a new Salon des in Auvergne?

Why launch a new Salon des Voyages en Auvergne? Quite simply because I wanted to offer an ultra-connected trade show that measures the importance of digital in tourism and gives a voice to bloggers from the 4 corners of France, ambassadors for their regions, and today a source of inspiration for future vacations. Having been a travel influencer myself for the past 8 years, I’m capitalizing on this line of communication and bringing in fellow bloggers to give several conferences.

My aim is also to create a hybrid show that highlights local initiatives as much as far-flung travel: proving that a change of scenery can also be found close to home. That’s why we’re putting the spotlight on the Auvergne and adjacent regions.

Why Auvergne?

Because it’s right in the center of France, with a high potential for travelers. These travelers leave for international destinations via Lyon or Clermont-Ferrand airports, with a stopover in Paris. Being positioned in the heart of France, they also radiate outwards for their stays in the national territory, which is why it’s so important for French destinations to target this central clientele.

What’s more, there is currently no similar tourism trade show in the region, with a focus on both local and international tourism. There’s a real card to play here!

3- Who are your current and future targets?

My aim is to bring together the tourism industry and “new generation” travelers. With a family target, younger than current tourism trade shows, and a core target of female purchasing managers aged 30-50. A BtoC trade show on a human scale, designed to be friendly and festive.

4 – How are preparations for this 1st edition going?

A first edition is quite a challenge and a race against time!

At the same time, we have to get the word out about the show, communicate its differentiating features and immediately convince exhibitors to give the new generation in tourism a chance! I sometimes hear “we’ll come as visitors to the first edition to see if we’ll be exhibiting next year, but bravo, it’s great to see this wind of freshness and innovation in the sector! And I admit it’s terribly frustrating.

I’m independent on this show, which is managed autonomously, and if I’ve thrown myself into such a large-scale project despite the mountain of challenges, it’s because I believe more than ever in the show’s potential! But you can’t do anything on your own, no matter how much energy and willpower you devote day and night. I can’t build a show on my own: it’s the strength of the exhibitors from the very first year that will make it a success!

I’d like to thank all the tourism players who pioneered the Salon des Voyages for their confidence, and the professionals who surround me for giving me strength. For them, it’s a challenge, but their willingness to take part in a new event and try their hand at adventure is proof of the boldness and panache typical of the sector!

5- Why did you choose to work with Travel-Insight to manage your press relations?

I’ve already worked with the agency as a travel influencer and recognize the team’s expertise. Over the years, I’ve seen Travel Insight make its mark on the travel industry, becoming a key player in its field.

2 young entrepreneurs, Célia and Stan, also a new generation, who didn’t hesitate to launch themselves into an already mature market, with an unprecedented digital strike force. The company has also evolved in several areas of expertise, such as press relations.

One of my first challenges was to get the word out about this trade show, to make myself visible to those involved in the tourism industry, and Travel-Insight’s address book made it possible to put people in touch with each other. What’s more, I’m based in Auvergne, and many of my potential customers are in the Paris region, so I needed a team I could trust to represent me there.

6- What message would you like to convey to journalists?

The tourism context is constantly evolving, and we need to keep abreast of new trends and travelers’ needs, both in France and abroad. This show is an opportunity to reconcile local tourism with the desire to go elsewhere, while working towards more responsible tourism.

7- A final word?

I’ve sometimes been told that it’s “crazy” to launch a new trade show, but I think that entrepreneurship sometimes requires a dose of recklessness.
But above all, it requires an ironclad will and energy.
All I ask today is to verify the adage “They didn’t know it was impossible, so they did it”.

If you’d like to take part in this adventure, you have until November 20 to register!

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