How do you raise the profile of an event?

How do you increase the visibility of an event?

The case of the Salon International de la Plongée Sous-Marine

Interview with Hélène de Tayrac, President of the Salon International de la Plongée Sous-Marine

The Salon International de la Plongée Sous-Marine is THE must-attend event for scuba diving professionals and enthusiasts.

More than just a trade show, it’s an event in its own right, with conference rooms, photo exhibitions and a heated swimming pool where visitors can try their hand at everything from a first dive with a freediving champion to discovering scuba diving with specialized instructors.

How do you raise the profile of an event to attract visitors, divers, travelers and ocean lovers?

Meet Hélène de Tayrac, President of the Salon International de la Plongée Sous-Marine.


1 – Can you tell us a little about yourself and your event?

When, 25 years ago, I decided to take up the challenge of meeting the expectations of divers dreaming of an event of their own, this was not my first attempt at organization and communication.

A graduate of EFAP (the French school for press attachés), I first devoted myself to the complex world of medicine, which I know a little from my family background, as head of communications at the Gustave Roussy Institute in Villejuif, where I was responsible for launching the 1st “Ronald Mac Donald House” in France (a home for parents of hospitalized children).

In 1996, a change of horizon! At the Eleuthera agency, I took charge of press relations for Albert Uderzo, father of Asterix, whom I accompanied for the release of his 30th album, “La galère d’Obélix”.

In 1998, with solid references and energy to spare, I decided to set up my own communications agency and founded HP Communication. In its wake, I created the first event 100% dedicated to diving… Le Salon de la Plongée Sous-Marine.

Since then, I’ve become a major figure on the world underwater scene.

My audacity, intuition, energy and visionary perception of the very act of diving even earned me a place in the Women Divers Hall of Fame (WDHOF) in 2020. This very exclusive circle includes very few European women: this nomination recognizes, among other things, my unfailing commitment at the head of the Salon International de la Plongée Sous-Marine, an event recognized worldwide for its dynamism and the quality of its services.

In a world of enthusiasts, I know better than anyone how to highlight innovations, great ideas, the role of women and the positive influence of diving in contemporary society.

Scuba diving represents an economic sector in its own right, far more important than most people imagine.

The idea of creating a trade show stemmed from the need for those involved in the industry to come together to meet their public, be they amateurs or professionals. Increasingly oriented towards pleasure, leisure and the “Zen” spirit, the Salon de la Plongée contributes to the development of all activities linked to the underwater world.

For us, every edition has to have a new look. The event is always an opportunity to welcome new exhibitors and offer new entertainment.

After 24 years, the Salon International de la Plongée Sous-Marine continues to grow. The event is recognized and appreciated the world over, and its organization has become a benchmark for quality and success in the exhibition sector.

In addition to the 4-day annual event, the Salon de la Plongée organization participates in, and even co-organizes, most of the development operations for diving in France.

2 – What is your current communications strategy to attract your main target, namely divers and ocean lovers?

Diving is still too little known to the general public. Putting your head under the water and discovering the wonders of the underwater world attracts, but at the same time, scares.

Because for us, the Show is the essential showcase for developing the activity, and our aim is to democratize this activity and attract more and more people to practice it, whether for a few dives or to spark a passion.

For the next edition, we’re aiming to further raise the event’s profile, enhance the market and find new targets to attract a younger, less initiated population.

All diving enthusiasts are familiar with the show, and exhibitors from all over the world are present, some since the first edition.

This year, however, the aim is to extend this reputation even further and win over all sea and travel enthusiasts.

3 – Why did you choose Travel-Insight to manage your social networks and press relations?

For its 24th edition, we have chosen to invest in communications aimed at the general public, in order to further increase the number of visitors and better promote our offer.

To achieve these objectives, the organization chose to collaborate with the Travel-Insight agency for press relations and digital communications.

It was at a chance meeting that we came across the Travel-Insight agency. From one meeting to the next, the collaboration between Salon and the agency became a matter of course.

Drawing on Travel-Insight’s expertise and the skills of its staff, we intend to breathe new life into the event.

4 – What’s new for 2023?

Divers are privileged witnesses to the evolution of the marine environment. How can they go beyond this essential testimony to offer our children a richer sea than it is today? How can we move towards more sustainable diving than we have today? How can we set an example?

The Salon de la plongée 2023 is committed and invites exhibitors and visitors to join in. This next edition will be an opportunity to present the actions taken by all for sustainable diving.

Next January, the first Sustainable Diving Conference will be held. Every day, debates will be organized to ensure that by 2024, our way of exploring the marine world and meeting the creatures that inhabit it will be more harmonious.

From a 100% recyclable carpet to the recycling of neoprene, from a live show to raise public awareness to the signing of a charter for exhibitors, numerous actions and events are planned around this theme.

5 – What message would you like to convey to tourism professionals or travelers?

We protect what we know. We protect what we love.

The more people who put their heads under water, the better known and protected the underwater world will be. By inviting all travellers and lovers of new discoveries to dive, we are helping to protect our oceans and all the species that inhabit them.

Do you travel? Then take a few hours to discover the underwater world and you’ll be amazed.

Water covers 80% of the earth. To visit the land part is to limit yourself to 20% of the landscape. By organizing half-air, half-water trips, tourism professionals will be able to enrich their offer and provide all travelers with a more complete program.

6 – A final word?

At a time when new technologies provide us with a wealth and variety of information and rapid communication, it’s more than ever necessary than ever to create a sense of proximity and conviviality. To meet up in the aisles of a trade show is to see, discuss and exchange ideas.

By bringing together diving enthusiasts, ocean conservationists and specialists, the Show creates a unique relationship between visitors, exhibitors, experts and specialists.

This is what the Salon de la Plongée Sous-Marine is all about: a large gathering, of course, but above all a place for real exchange and encounters.

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