How is Convious developing on the French market?

After conquering 16 countries, how is Convious currently developing in France?

Interview with Laure de Montalier, Director of Convious France

Founded in 2016 in the Netherlands by entrepreneur Camiel Kraan, Convious is a flexible and innovative digital solution, specially designed to support leisure and cultural sites in their digital transition. Thanks to its advanced technology, Convious enables them to get to know their visitors better, and thus enhance their experience before, during and after their visit, while retaining their attention.

Today, over 150 leisure and cultural sites place their trust in Convious. On average, the solution enables its partners to increase their online conversion rates by up to 8% (when the average is 2%), and provides them with an average of 40% revenue growth.

Today we’re going to meet Laure.

1- Can you tell us a little about yourself and Convious’s mission?

I’m Laure de Montalier, and I’ve been running Convious’s French subsidiary for 1 year. With 15 years’ experience in the tourism sector, I approached the launch of Convious in France as a challenge and a continuation of my career path.
Our main mission: to support cultural and leisure venues by helping them offer a visitor experience before, during and after the visit that’s as good as the day itself.

2- How is your rollout going on the French market?

It’s all very exciting! We meet professionals in the leisure and cultural sectors, people who are passionate about their work and who want to make the sector shine and their visitors thrill. Talking to them reinforces our mission. Convious was born to help them improve their solutions, and it’s amazing how much sense that makes to us. In concrete terms, we have signed more than 8 contracts in just a few months, and 2023 looks promising.

3- Who are your current and future targets?

Convious is, and always will be, for all theme parks, animal parks, museums, aquariums and indoor leisure parks. That’s why Convious was created – it’s our expertise and our core business.

4- Can you tell us about future trends in the French leisure market?

Like all sectors, digitalization is essential. Consumer behavior has been evolving in this direction for decades, and is set to intensify.
For example, mobile has become the main medium, but this is something Convious had already thought of, since the solution is created for mobile first and foremost.

The post-covid-19 era has also had an impact on visitors’ interest in leisure activities.

In France, the majority of leisure and cultural sites saw their visitor numbers explode this summer. It’s a sign that the sector is doing well, that people need to have fun, learn new things, become aware of climate issues (notably animal conservation) and look outwards to the outside world.
This is why Convious needs to help operators optimize their assets, so as to adapt their offer to this strong interest.

5- Why did you choose to work with Travel-Insight to manage your press relations?

At Convious, we operate on talent and feeling. When I met Stan in 2020, our shared values made me want to work with Travel Insight. An ambitious vision of the sector, a desire to contribute expertise and creativity.

6- Do you have any future projects to share with us?

2023 promises great things! For the past 1 year, with the support of the French team and our headquarters in Amsterdam, we have been sowing the seeds for our development in France. We’re now reaping the fruits of our efforts and all the work we’ve accomplished. We’re confident and motivated to make Convious the must-have solution for leisure and cultural sites.

7- What message would you like to convey to tourism professionals?

I would simply like to congratulate them on their ability to bounce back from the health crisis.

“The most important changes during a crisis are also the most likely to endure afterwards,” according to McKinsey & Company.

That’s why Convious has made it its mission to help operators optimize these changes.

8 – The final word?

How proud I am to think of this adventure, which is still in its infancy! Convious is well and truly part of the French landscape. And above all, behind an impalpable digital solution that, to some, may seem abstract, there are concrete, human values, personalities, listening skills and lots of ideas.

Convious was born to work and evolve with the leisure and cultural sectors. Not only to accompany them through the transition we are currently undergoing, but also to make the visitor’s experience unforgettable: before, during and after their visit.

On behalf of the whole team, I’d like to say how lucky we are to work in an industry whose DNA is to bring emotion to young and old alike.
I’d also like to end this interview with these words that illustrate the Convious spirit: “Those who keep their childlike soul never grow old“. Abraham Sutzkever

To find out more about Convious, click here

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