Welcome to my my worlda place where it’s good to travel, be inspired and escape!
From an early age, I developed this travel culture thanks to my parents, themselves lovers of the world.
Having lived in Norway, then in California (yes I know, two opposites!), and after an 8-month world tour in 2018/2019, I have more than ever developed this passion to feed myself with cultures totally different from my own.
In addition to travel and personal pleasure, my real motivation is to share with my community my vision of the world, of travel and of the spots I choose to visit.
It’s about sharing much more than just a few snapshots, it’s a real journey that I undertake totally with my community, who always return the favor.
How proud I am to see my community tagging me, identifying me in the places I’ve been, and sometimes seeing them model their itineraries on mine.
Then I understand why I do this job, to which I devote 90% of my time.