

Hi, I’m Cindy!
You may know me from my role as an adventurer or as the young mother of Alba & Victoire.
It’s true, I love a challenge and I thrive on motherhood.
But that’s not enough to define me.

What drives me? Having a thousand lives in one. Cultivating my passions, feeding my madness, creating a colorful daily life. I’m a serial entrepreneur: I founded Maison Nicole, which I manage, and I’m also Fairmoove’s travel ambassador; I may excel in sport, but I’m above all a great epicurean; I like to explore all facets of my femininity, while remaining faithful to my youthful love; I don’t like headaches, but I’m looking for depth… So what? I’m firmly convinced that it’s possible to be whole, plural and spontaneous. I’m already hearing “what a cheek!” but I think most people find me endearing. I’m sure you’re one of them, and I’m already looking forward to working with you.

Make an appointment now!

Prenons rendez-vous sur IFTM du 17 au 19 septembre