

Jonathan, 29, inspired traveler, content creator, blogger and art director.
A passion for travel, beautiful places, a change of scenery and discovery that I’ve been developing since childhood.
I now share this passion through my travel guides on and through content creation, and I’m currently working on a number of projects for different destinations and partners.

A real desire to be able to create images for the tourism industry that are as close to reality as possible, with content that above all resembles me.
A mix of landscapes, cities, inspiring places, tips and food to best convey the experience.

I hope that my readers will be able to meet up again to prepare their trip as well as possible, and in turn discover these nuggets that have thrilled me.
After 5 years of blogging, 9 years of Instagram, and many hours of flights and destinations in France and around the world, in 2021 I continued my adventure by opening my Paris-based and online decoration boutique: Vadrouille.
The idea is to honor travel in our interiors and give a new dimension to my two passions.

Make an appointment now!

Prenons rendez-vous sur IFTM du 17 au 19 septembre