

We’re Matéo and Lou full-time travel content creators.
Since 2021, we’ve been traveling the world while sharing our adventures on our account.
We always do it with authenticity and creativity.
Today, we work with destinations, brands, hotels and tell their stories through unique content.
In 2 years, we’ve worked with Bonjour Québec, FrenchBee, Visit Cyprus, Sixt, Les Landes, ClubMed and so much more.

For the record, it was in November 2021 that we took the plunge to travel for 6 months in Asia.
Matéo had been a videographer for 3 years, working for a wide range of clients in France in the fashion, travel and restaurant sectors.
I was a start-up recruiter.
When we left, we thought it would be good to share our adventure on the networks, while sharing qualitative content.
After just 3 months, we saw a real craze and everything went really fast!

So if you like our creative world and our personality, don’t hesitate to come and see us at the show to discuss your projects.

Make an appointment now!

Prenons rendez-vous sur IFTM du 17 au 19 septembre