TOLT – Travel Influencer


I’m a director/Youtuber specializing in travel, with over 15 million views on my videos, shared with more than 250,000 subscribers on my networks. My specialty: videos designed to break down preconceived ideas about certain destinations.

Whether we’re talking about unusual or highly touristy destinations, it’s not uncommon to get an incomplete or even erroneous idea of a country or region. Thanks to my “Don’t go to…” clips aimed at an international audience, and my “N’allez pas en…” documentary series on French territories, I can offer you a different perspective that challenges the most persistent preconceptions. Over the past 2 years, I’ve also taken a fairly committed turn by deciding to promote responsible travel. On the program: alternative modes of transport, nature activities and practical advice on how to reduce our environmental impact.

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Prenons rendez-vous sur IFTM du 17 au 19 septembre