Looking back on 2019 & Appointment at Travel Insight

Tourism, the digital communications agency specializing in the travel sector, takes stock of the past year and announces its consolidation and development plans for the year ahead.

Double-digit increase in business, 98% partner renewal rate, 5 new employees and an investment of over €100k to develop its own digital tools, are the main figures driving the agency in 2019.

Travel Insight will celebrate its 4th anniversary next March, and there are many plans for 2020.
The most important will certainly be the consolidation of the business and its various areas of expertise (community management, video and photo content creation, editorial, and influencer relations).
Particular attention will be paid to the implementation of new internal processes to further strengthen support for our partners and ensure a high level of quality for our services, which are already focused on human contact and proactivity.

An analysis of the company’s activities over the past 4 years shows that its clientele is mainly represented by travel industry players (distributors, producers, agencies, etc.), followed by tourist destinations, and finally by institutions (associations, trade shows, financial guarantees).
This analysis confirms the company’s original aim: to provide expertise and service to players whose digital support offer was almost non-existent on the market.

Video explosion: over 350 videos produced in 2019

The video content creation department is experiencing a boom in demand, with creative responses that ensure inspiring and professional results for tourism players.
This additional expertise is now essential to ensure quality content for our partners’ campaigns, such as the “Dans l’Canap IFTM” videos, Eductour videos to meet BtoB / BtoC objectives, trade and event interviews for the AFTM, and advertising spots for several destinations.

This format is increasingly popular for its ease of viewing, accessibility and wealth of content.
This year, nearly 350 videos were produced, including 150 for IFTM communications, 50 for the AFTM and 150 to promote the product sheets of our tour operator and distributor partners.

A human and creative approach

Being a digital agency doesn’t mean that our partners have to digitize everything, especially when it comes to proximity and responsiveness. There are no small or large accounts, just challenges to be met by passionate employees.
The agency’s values towards its partners are clear: not to work with their competitors, to be a source of proposals, to support them strategically, and to be flexible and agile.

A positioning and product range that has attracted new customers with new challenges for the new year, such as the Paradiski domain, Plus Belle l’Europe, Calvi Balagne, CMV cruises, ENIT… A confidence that allows the agency to look forward to a year rich in adventure and projects for 2020.

New recruitment and an appointment

This development has led Travel Insight to expand its team to 12 travel and digital specialists.

At the start of this year, Florie Bodin joins the communications agency as Development Director.
After 10 years representing tourism players in their press relations, print and digital communications, the founder of Editions Nomades (travel guides) has left her freelance status to take on a new challenge.
She brings with her ideas for creative campaigns, her expertise in the sector and her passion for the United States.
A specialty that will undoubtedly inspire future actions and collaborations.
Among other things, her missions will be to provide more creative input to campaigns, manage the influence division and take charge of the agency’s events division.

Since the agency was founded, we’ve been committed to building a team united by shared values: a passion for digital, a perfect knowledge of the tourism sector, and creativity are the leitmotivs of our staff.
e’re delighted that Florie has joined us with the same values she shares.

explains Associate Director Célia Tichadelle.

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