Meet Elisa & Max the Bestjobers

This week we met Elisa and Max from the Bestjobers blog, who agreed to share with us the behind-the-scenes stories of their travels.
Their blog offers a complete change of scenery, and invites you to travel through photos and videos that are enhanced by the exceptional talent of this pretty little adventurous couple.



Can you introduce yourself in a few words?
How did you get started with your blog?

We’re Elisa & Max, the Bestjobers. We won the Best Job in the World a few years ago in Australia (Editor’s note: The Best Job in the World, 330,000 applicants from 196 countries) and since then, we think we’ve still got it!
We started our blog when we won this global competition launched in 2013.
It was part of our dream job, to write about our adventures on the mainland.
It was a new adventure for us because we’d never blogged before.

What subjects do you cover and how do you choose them?
How often do you publish?

It all started with the great outdoors, the incredible freedom you feel in Australia’s exceptional nature, as we roamed the national parks in search of the most beautiful spots and raised awareness of the need to save flora and fauna.
We’ve always had an innate love of nature and animals, so we’ve taken our travels and our blog beyond Australia, travelling around France and the world, choosing to present a destination from a nature and outdoor angle.
We’re not backpackers, we’re not on a world tour, we’re living one adventure at a time, carefully selecting our accommodation, which is usually eco-designed, unusual or charming, because for us, hotels are an integral part of the travel experience.

Our rhythm is quite variable, but we try to publish once a week, sometimes the vagaries of the schedule and the wifi network make publications rarer.

How do you promote your blog and its content?

We publish full reports on all our networks, adapting the content to each platform.

Are you a professional influencer or do you have a side business?

Our profile is a little atypical in the world of travel blogging, because we started this adventure with a huge marketing campaign.
In a way, we were professionals from the start.
It’s our taste for sharing and our passion for images that made us want to pursue this path.


How do you define your business?
How do you position yourself?

It’s hard for us to define ourselves as travel bloggers, because for us, our job goes beyond that.
Max has been a photographer for years, so we focus a lot of our work on visuals.
Video is also becoming increasingly important.


We’re more like independent reporters for destinations and brands in the travel and tourism industry.
We’re photographers, videographers and web editors, in short we’re content creators with a dose of influence:-)

What’s a typical day like for a travel influencer?

There’s no such thing!
Haha, and that’s what makes this job so special: no two days are ever the same!
After that, we’d say that part of every day is spent on social networks, organizing time to talk and exchange with our subscribers through our various platforms.
We also have to deal with emails and requests, which can sometimes be surprising because they’re not at all suited to our profile.
In such situations, we don’t hesitate to refuse.


Finally, a good part of the day is dedicated to content creation, living experiences and transcribing them to bring out what we liked best.
Telling the story of a destination or a product with our own style, our own touch.

What’s the first step in working with a company or agency?

A meeting to get to know each other, so that the company or agency can get to know us.
Not everything can be done by email.

What advice would you give to a company or agency wishing to work with you?

Give ourselves freedom, don’t want to control everything.
Content only works when it’s authentic and true to our image and personality. The best collaborations are those where we have carte blanche, where there’s a relationship of trust.

How do you see the future of travel influencers?

We’re on a roll at the moment, but we think it’s everyone’s responsibility to choose their partnerships carefully, and not to accept everything just because it’s paid for.
When we see certain operations with brands, we wonder about the legitimacy and coherence of the casting.
Finally, there are a lot of us on the market at the moment, but we believe that only the most motivated and passionate will stay the course.

Our future?
We see it in diversification, multiplying revenue sources and not betting everything on one social network, for example.


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