Meet Family Coste – Travel & family influencers

This week, we invite you to discover Family Coste, who agreed to answer our questions.
In this article, you’ll discover their authentic world.
As you’ll have gathered, they’re Family travel influencers, traveling the world in their American caravan.
We’re big fans!

It’s now essential for travel professionals to work with influencers.
There are many reasons for this, such as increasing your visibility and brand awareness, creating unique and original content, and boosting sales.

To begin with, could you introduce yourself and describe your world in a few words?

We’re a family (Audrey, Seb, Eleanor, Timothy and baby 3 on the way) living on the road since 2016 and authors of the book “Et si on plaquait tout?” We share our whole adventure with over 200,000 people on our social networks, mainly Youtube and Instagram.

What prompted you to create your blog and YouTube channel to share your travels?
What is your added value for tourism professionals?

In fact, Family Coste is our 5th web project in almost 10 years, and it’s the first one to literally explode.
We took a lot of training in web marketing, and for a long time we’d been convinced that we could make a living from the web, and that it would enable us to achieve extraordinary freedom.
When we started Family Coste, our objective was clearly to make a living from it, and that’s what happened in less than 2 years of investment in our networks.

Family Coste is a mix of all our passions, which include travel, the desire to inspire those who follow us and create video memories for ourselves and our children, and very importantly for us, living as a family and enjoying being fully together on a daily basis.
We have a very high level of commitment from our audience, which is higher than the average for our colleagues in the travel industry, for all these reasons.
We’re a family, and our audience recognizes themselves in us because we’re just like them.
Our subscribers follow us as if they were watching a TV series, and don’t want to miss any part of the story.
This is due to our video format, which mixes “vlog” parts with beautiful sequences of our journey, and as said before, due to the fact that there’s a story thread running through the videos.
Our audience likes our simplicity.
That’s one of the reasons why we don’t try to make videos that are “too reportagey”, because that’s not what people are looking for.
Beautiful, clean videos without emotion can be found everywhere.
They want to feel emotions, and that’s what we’ve been striving to do in our own way since April 2016 now.
When we recommend a destination, product or service to our audience, a large proportion of them trust us because we have a very strong bond with them.
We’ve always been sincere with them, and that’s what makes us so strong today.
The figures and comments on our networks speak for themselves, and we love the closeness we have with them on a daily basis.
Our commitment to helping people discover a destination means touching the hearts of tens of thousands of people, especially families.
In your opinion, what are the criteria for a successful collaboration with a brand?
In our opinion, a successful collaboration must meet 3 criteria.
  • Collaboration must be in line with our values, so that we are sincere and transparent with our audience and ourselves.
    We never accept a contract that cannot be accepted.
    We have to be free to say what’s wrong if anything, which in any case reinforces the influence on what we advise.
    When there’s too much glitter, we’re much more suspicious, which is logical.
  • The collaboration must bring something positive and inspiring to our audience, otherwise there’s no point in sharing it with them either.
  • The collaboration must meet our customer’s expectations.
    Whether in terms of numbers or positive impact on their brand image.
    Our customers are just as important as our subscribers


What inspires you?

We have many inspirations.
Usually authors of self-help books or other (often American) content creators in various fields on Youtube.
The aim is always to improve both personally and professionally.

What does family travel mean to you, and what message would you like to pass on to families?

We think family travel is a wonderful thing.
Seeing a trip through children’s eyes is inevitably different.
They help us to marvel at details that our adult eyes often tend to overlook.
It also gives us the chance to enjoy unique experiences with them, and to make memories that will fill our heads as a family.
Many families don’t dare to travel because they have many fears and personal barriers, and this is normal, but through our videos we like to show them that these fears often have no real basis and that family travel is a wonderful thing and above all possible, even for them!

We hope you enjoyed this interview with Family Coste, and if you’d like to learn more about this endearing and inspiring family.
Find them on Youtube, on their blog, on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

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