New edition of NAV Afterworks by APST

Following the success of the first NAV by APST afterwork 2019, which brought together some 60 participants to discover the financial support services offered by HSBC, a new edition is back.
Young tourism professionals are invited to attend on Thursday April 11 at 7pm at the Chai Brongniart / Incarné bistro located at 33 Place de la Bourse in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris.

The theme of this new meeting will be #OrganisezVous!
NAV by APST will be pleased to welcome John BRANDY from ViaXoft, Jean-Christophe SORARU from Gestour S.A.S and Nicolas BERTOLAMI from ABC Informatique, who will be presenting tools for organizing production, promotion, sales and accounting processes.

Find out more about the next edition:

Conditions for joining the NAV network :

All APST members under 40 or whose company is less than 5 years old can join the circle.
Simply send a request by e-mail to the following address:

The NAV initiative

The initiative launched by APST President Alix Philipon, as part of the “Together towards 2020” plan, aims to improve “the place and representativeness of the new generations” within the Association.
Numerous actions in favor of young entrepreneurs have been put in place to better prepare the APST of tomorrow.

Since 2016, the New Travel Actors circle has created a new community of Young and New entrepreneurs in the tourism sector enabling them to exchange and share on common issues but also to develop synergies between members.

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