Responsible & Sustainable marketing & communications agency

Tourist offices, tourist destinations, tour operators & travel agencies

Your communications agency for responsible & sustainable tourism

At Travel-Insight, we believe in tourism that respects and values our planet.
We are a communications agency specializing in the promotion of responsible and sustainable tourism (for tourist offices, tourist destinations, tour operators & travel agencies).
Our mission is to help you create a positive footprint through communication strategies that respect local economies and are eco-responsible.

Our values for sustainable communication

Sustainability: We are committed to promoting environmentally-friendly practices in all our communications.

Responsibility: We believe in tourism that benefits local communities and protects cultures and ecosystems.

Innovation: We use creative and modern methods to guarantee the effectiveness of our campaigns, while respecting our ecological principles.

#1 Sustainability

Ecological commitments

#2 CSR

Transparency & honesty

#3 Positive impact

Creativity for change

Your communications agency for responsible & sustainable tourism

Responsible communication refers not only to communication that addresses issues of corporate corporate responsibilitybut also includes responsibility of communication actions.

It’s a form of communication that’s more sensitive to ecological issues, more attuned to the living world, that questions the content as much as the form of messages, and that also integrates the notion of urgency.

Responsible communication is neither an object nor an end in itself. systemic process.

  • communicating the challenges and commitments of organizations in terms of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • eco-communication, which aims to reduce the environmental and social impact of communication activities

Authenticity of messages, transparency of communication processes, respect for stakeholders and the role of communication in promoting a certain vision of society.

Messages for a more sustainable society

  • echoes new societal challenges
  • accompanies change with power and creativity
  • a powerful vector of cultural transformation, helping to shape opinion, modify social norms, and change perceptions and imaginations.

but informing is not enough:

  • To support a change in behavior, communication must necessarily be part of a more global approach.

The role of sustainable marketing: at the heart of changing mindsets

  • Giving meaning to broadcast messages
  • Evaluate the impact of communication initiatives
  • Increase awareness of the power of communication to influence others: communication targets, colleagues or organizational stakeholders.

Combating greenwashing in travel & tourism communications

The risks of greenwashing :

  • Maintaining consumers’ distrust of brands.
  • Exposure to reputational risks, legal sanctions (particularly criminal) and, ultimately, business risks.
  • Stifling the adoption of virtuous behavior by confusing consumers about the real effort required to achieve the ecological transition.
  • Undermining the efforts of truly committed players, who then struggle to differentiate themselves.

Greenwashing is a fraudulent technique used in marketing and communications.
The aim is to promote a brand image that is more responsible, ethical and ecological than it actually is.
The term is not new: it first appeared in the USA in the 1980s.

Since the adoption of the Climate & Resilience Act, greenwashing has been considered a prohibited and punishable “deceptive commercial practice”.
In addition to a reputational penalty, the fine imposed may be up to 80% of the expenditure incurred in the communication campaign in question.

Our sustainable & responsible support

Shared values for responsible communication :

  • Transparency: To be honest about what you offer.
    Don’t exaggerate green experiences or benefits to disappoint visitors.
  • Local involvement : Involve the local community in your communications approach.
    It must be an integral part of any tourism strategy.
  • Education: Educate visitors on how to respect the environment, local culture and traditions to ensure ethical and sustainable tourism.
  • Avoiding over-visiting: Don’t over-promote a destination to the point of over-visitation, which can harm the environment and local populations.
  • Use durable materials: If you use brochures or other printed materials, opt for eco-friendly or recycled materials.
    Encourage digital media.
  • Regular updates: Guarantee that the information provided is up to date and reflects the current reality of the destination.

Sustainable & responsible communication for travel :

  • Green Initiatives: Highlighting all initiatives aimed at protecting the environment, such as wildlife conservation, reforestation efforts, renewable energy sources, etc.
  • Locals: Promote the cultural richness of the destination, emphasizing authenticity and respect for traditions.
  • Community benefits Explain how tourism benefits the local community, whether in terms of jobs, education or economic support.
  • Immersive experiences: Mettere highlights experiences that allow visitors to immerse themselves in the local culture and environment, rather than traditional tourist attractions.
  • Ethical Tourism: If the destination offers wildlife experiences, make sure they are ethical and highlight this respect for wildlife.
  • Local products: Promote the consumption of local products, whether in terms of food, crafts or other goods.

Let’s talk about your responsible & sustainable communication projects

We cover all your travel & tourism marketing needs:

  • Branding: We help you define and strengthen your brand identity, emphasizing your commitments to sustainability and social responsibility.
  • Content creation:Our team of content creators produces inspiring and informative materials, from blog posts to videos, that highlight your ecotourism initiatives.
  • Brand Strategy: We develop tailor-made strategies to position your brand as a leader in sustainable tourism, aligning your business objectives with your ecological values.
  • Influence: We work with committed influencers to promote your offers and raise awareness of the importance of responsible tourism.
  • Press relations: Our press relations experts work with specialist media to ensure positive, relevant coverage of your sustainable projects.
  • Events: We organize eco-friendly events that reflect your values and inspire your participants to adopt more sustainable travel practices.

Prenons rendez-vous sur IFTM du 17 au 19 septembre