Tailor-made VS packaged travel marketing

The tourism sector, and more specifically travel production, has undergone and continues to undergo many changes, due to the development of new technologies, and to social and economic evolutions.
For example, the arrival of mass tourism, its development and decline, and new traveler consumption patterns have led to the creation of new business models.
The tourism sector, for example, saw the birth of packaged travel, which led to the rise of tour-operating.
For some years now, the trend has been towards the production of tailor-made trips, which can be described as personalized or even hyper-personalized.
This personalization applies not only to production, but also to marketing.
As a travel producer, you need to manage your digital presence effectively.

What is a tailor-made trip?

Initially reserved for the elite, tailor-made travel has now been democratized, allowing everyone to enjoy the many advantages of a custom-designed trip.
A tailor-made trip can be defined as the trip of your dreams.
Perfectly adaptable to everyone’s tastes and desires, this turnkey holiday is designed to suit just the person who wanted it.
Our tailor-made tour operators know their destinations inside out.
A made-to-measure trip is unique because it’s personalized, it’s a trip in total freedom where the traveler defines the contours himself, it’s a modular trip that he shapes.
A tailor-made trip is the kind of adventure you’d like to experience, but you don’t want to throw yourself into the unknown.
All travel dreams can come true.

What are the advantages of a tailor-made trip?

A tailor-made trip begins by listening to the wishes, understanding the expectations and making the dreams of travelers come true, by proposing a tourist itinerary – their tourist itinerary.
It will be an itinerary adapted to their availability, their pace and the experiences they wish to enjoy.
A tailor-made trip can take them off the beaten track, away from the hordes of tourists who flock to the same place at the same time.

Understanding the request, the tailor-made travel agency specialists will then concoct the trip, sharing their well-kept secrets of the destinations, and will usually present several travel proposals.
They’re also on hand to advise you in case of doubt or hesitation.
Whether your request is classic or original, simple or demanding, it’s sure to find an appropriate response.

The next step is a practical one: the tailor-made travel agency takes care of all the reservations, from round-trip transportation on the desired dates to overnight accommodation, including tickets for sites to visit, theaters, museums and even restaurants.
This phase is an opportunity to discover places that are little-known to the general public, while benefiting from exclusive offers.

Is a tailor-made trip expensive?

Contrary to popular belief, tailor-made holidays are not overpriced.
There’s something to suit every budget, since the architecture depends on the traveler’s choice.
A luxurious palace or a charming guesthouse, gourmet restaurants or picnic baskets, a private car with a designated driver or local transport, with or without the accompaniment of a guide… the price of a tailor-made trip obviously depends on each of these choices.
Tailor-made travel is such a flexible formula that it can be adapted to a limited budget, depending on individual priorities.
What’s more, all payments are made in advance of the tailor-made trip, so you don’t have to pay anything on the spot, and can travel with peace of mind.
We pay in advance for guides or drivers, vehicles or boats, inns or lodges, bush camps or hotels, restaurants or shows, safaris or excursions, museums or sports competitions…
Non-exhaustive list.

What’s the difference between a tailor-made trip and a package tour?

An organized or packaged tour is a travel itinerary designed from A to Z by a tour operator, to appeal to as many people as possible.
Because it’s designed to appeal to as many people as possible, a package tour is built around the must-see sites of a tourist destination, or some of them if there are many points of interest.
Offered from a catalog, everything is planned without the traveler being able to modify anything in the offer.
Even menus can be imposed.
Travel and services are provided in group transportation, in the company of other tourists who have opted for the same package tour.
Not a single line can be changed, not a single service can be modified.

On the other hand, tailor-made travel allows the tourist to make 100% of the choices.
It’s the perfect opportunity to make original discoveries, get to know the people you meet in depth and immerse yourself in the authenticity of a country or region.
With a tailor-made trip, there are no limits to personalization.
Every stage of the trip, the time you want to spend there, the activities you’re dying to do, the well-known or more secret places you want to visit…
It’s the traveler who draws up the travel plan.

Last but not least, we provide you with a tailor-made travel diary, setting out your chosen itinerary and providing all the technical and practical information you need before departure.

How can we promote these tourist products?

Tailor-made travel and packaged travel do not have the same target audience, so it’s vital to implement a promotion, communication and marketing strategy specific to each product.
We call this personalized marketing.
The primary objective is to make the customer feel privileged, so that they can find the product that suits them perfectly.

This can take the form of personalized newsletters or advertisements with a precisely targeted audience.
For example, Tour-Operator Plus Belle l’Europe, specializing in tailor-made trips and organized tours in Europe, has created an Instagram page to more easily reach the target audience for their tailor-made trips.
Indeed, 71% of the social network’s users are under 35.

The aim of personalization is to build loyalty, as consumers need differentiation.
Some travelers want to get away from mass tourism and discover more unusual and unique places.
The marketing of tailor-made travel will differ from that of packaged travel, because the targets are not the same.
Tailor-made travel appeals to a younger target, looking for personalization and differentiation.

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