The importance of video for travel brands and destinations

Let’s take a look at some of the success factors that can help you stand out from the crowd with your video content.
Whether you’ve already experimented with the production of this medium or are planning to add it to your communications strategy, this article will point you in the right direction, showing you A plus B that video has become the optimal format for conveying your offer and differentiating yourself from the competition.

Whether the videos are produced by you (for example, if you’re a destination working with territory ambassadors) or by a communications agency / freelancer, sooner or later several questions will come to mind with a few grey areas.
Travel Insight advises you (that’s our role) and informs you (and we’re happy to do so) so that this period of questioning is the right time to focus on effective, impactful content 💥 !

What do I really need?
Will it be broadcast today, or next month? Will my budget be allocated to several micro-videos, or will a nice 2min promotional video do?
These are basic questions that will lead you to the following conclusion: each way of producing a video will allow your content to move towards a certain concept, a way of communicating that, over time, will become an integral part of your brand image.
Visual content is what tends to define the major social networks and media today, and what more could you ask for than to bring dynamism to these visuals?
Generally speaking, video reflects the most organic part of your offer, your sincerity or that of your service.
It’s hard to lie in video, because it’s an expression of reality, memory and experience.
We agree that, in emotional terms, you’d be more inclined to watch the videos of the birthday dinner at Granny Rose’s 20 years ago than the huge photo album sitting in the library between the encyclopedias from another era?

After all, isn’t a picture worth a thousand words?
The question then arises as to how much of a video is worth making available, and therefore, how many words.
And how about inverting this famous quote for a new concept: “A thousand words are worth a thousand pictures”.
Because yes!
In the final analysis, if video is now worthy of our time, it’s because it fills a particularly strong need felt today by both users and tourism brands: telling a story.
Yes, a successful video is based above all on a story, on a need to speak out on a given subject.

Yes, but how can this be put into practice?

Times are changing, and so are formats.
The first point to consider for a video is its format.
OUT the extremely long formats that were common on social networks not so long ago.
Now we’re seeing a whole range of formats appear!
You can opt for content that’s short, punchy, fast and concise in terms of information, to impact your audience as easily as possible.
Are “Fast & Curious” interviews (we can’t resist recommending the one with the cast of La Casa De Papel!) part of your sphere of inspiration?
This interview format, in which a person responds quickly and succinctly to two proposals, is in a way the second key point of a good video: Pace!
You have to think about it, because it’s the essential element for capturing the audience’s attention.
To get inspired (in our opinion) by the best possible rhythm, visit Konbini‘s Youtube channel.

Format and rhythm: two sure values you’ll need to set up a good video, but how do you link the two?
Our answer: Time.

Time is undoubtedly the most important factor you’ll need to consider in order to identify the medium your video will be broadcast on, and thus define as precisely as possible the target audience that will benefit from your message.
Not all social networks support the same video durations, and some have communities that are attentive or, on the contrary, in a hurry.

To get started, you can start by asking yourself the right questions, such as: Should I upload the video to Youtube?
This will make it easier for users to share it as a link, or even integrate it into other media as an iframe, but then what?
As a digital communications agency, we can only advise you to limit your use of Youtube to hosting your video.
The platform is designed to manage the organization of your video library, with its tags and playlists, and to aggregate your content.
Think of it as an external server where users curious to learn more about you can deepen their knowledge of your brand.

When it comes to other networks, opt for native video integration that’s 100% responsive.
There’s no question of using the same format depending on the display rendering!
A format of 1080 * 1350px or 1200*1200 px for the Instagram feed, but respecting the authorized broadcast minute, a vertical format for the 15-second Instagram story respecting the 9:16 format, i.e.: 1080 * 1920px.

Your thoughts on Instagram will be all the more important if you decide to collaborate with a travel or lifestyle influencer.
Today, they act as content creators at the request of travel companies, and are fully capable of fulfilling video creation missions for you.
With a set of specifications in advance, don’t hesitate to specify your needs in terms of themes and distribution media.
As communication experts, they’ll be able to provide you with files of the right dimensions.
In this kind of order, remember to stipulate that you grant yourself the right to reuse the content supplied, and to find common ground.
Depending on your choice of collaboration, whether with a nano or micro-influencer for example, it may be possible to integrate a “Swipe up” into the video content.
A URL redirection option that could be very useful for driving traffic to your website or creating a booking.
As the Swipe up is only intended for professional accounts with more than 10,000 followers, you can always consider mentioning useful links to complete the information in your video in bio, therefore, on your home page.

A collaborative and playful aspect can also be added to your Instagram stories.
Asking questions and creating polls has never been easier, thanks to the social network’s stickers (take a look, for example, at the photos used for La.Minute.Culture‘s playful, participative stories – the same concept transposed into video, and bingo !)
Don’t hesitate to use them regularly, to take into account your community’s responsiveness to your content.
If you opt for a publication spread over several stories, it’s also a good way of ensuring that your followers keep up with your content and thus keep them on their toes thanks to more interactive posts through which they can more easily get in touch with you or the influencer you’ve commissioned according to your needs.

We’ve been talking here about relatively short videos, ranging from a few seconds to a minute.
There are also alternatives for effectively promoting other durations.
Pro accounts on Instagram can opt for an IGTV, which can communicate for up to 10 minutes without interruption, an option that seems perfectly suited to broadcasting an overall summary of a trip.

Now we’re heading for Facebook, where video content is also in the limelight.
They’re now among the formats with the best reach, provided you can dedicate an SMO budget to them.
Yes, in our opinion, it’s detrimental to never match a video creation with an SMO budget dedicated to its distribution on your own networks.
Let’s face it, video creation is not an expense that goes unnoticed in a communications budget.
It requires the involvement of a team, equipment, logistics and transport costs, and therefore takes on a particular dimension in its entire development scheme, so it makes sense to maximize the reach of its distribution on networks.
In a social landscape where it has become difficult to carve out a place for oneself through a 100% organic strategy, the possibility of segmentation takes on its full meaning, especially through the logic of boosted publication.
Here, we remain focused on the two major B2C video networks, which are also the only ones to offer the most precise targeting thanks to the Business Manager and its ad manager.

Speaking of maximizing visibility and targeting, it’s worth pointing out that video marketing objectives are fully configurable according to your expectations.
For example, you’ll be able to choose several purposes for the distribution of your content: increase interactions, increase media viewing, the choice is yours 😉.
Often, the organic reach of videos is greater than that of traditional photos, it is in fact currently considered THE media format that beats all others, the Grail in short.
According to the latest information on the Facebook algorithm, video publications have the best reach, as well as the highest interaction rate!
(You can be sure you’re betting on the right horse… video is the Ferrari of racehorses 🐎)

The proof is in the form of an example from the La Côté D’or Facebook account, in which a photo publication is compared to the performance of a 30-second video element… Data that leaves no shadow of a doubt as to the insights of this format, whether in terms of people reached or interactions, and always within the framework of 100% organic distribution!

What about videos in B2B tourism?

Do you notice a few missing networks, such as LinkedIn or Twitter?

Well, yes, we’ve been keeping them under wraps to finalize our little overview, opening up the spectrum of possibilities to the maximum.
Who says that videos are mainly for B2C use?
Not us, at least, and we can only advise you to use this medium to give a differentiating character to the two aforementioned networks.
In fact, you need to know how to provide each of your targets with dynamic, high-quality content.
Your service providers, partners and employees deserve a channel of expression and exchange with you, one that allows you to segment your professional and personal lives.

This is where videos come in, to give your ” employer brand ” all the power it needs.
This concept is used to support everything that characterizes your company, internally, and that can build your identity in the eyes of tourism industry professionals.
Whereas a video of your latest aperitif presenting your new brochure to your partners has no place on Facebook, a network such as LinkedIn has, on the contrary, everything it takes to relay this type of content.
It’s the perfect time to prove to the industry as a whole that you’re capable of managing all fronts, and of engaging people.
In terms of format, opt for a square video on LinkedIn and, if possible, a horizontal format on Twitter!
The use of hashtags is de rigueur on the bluebird network, so don’t hesitate to include at least 3 of them to forge the maximum identity for your publication.
It will gain in visibility and quality 💙.

Next comes the use of the “@” which allows you to identify a person, a partner, so that they in turn can distribute the content to their community.
It’s up to you to identify several accounts, but we still recommend mentioning the identifiers in the comments area, to lighten the editorial part preceding the video and also to increase the reach of this content.

In concrete terms, the ideas for B2B publications are numerous, and can emanate from a brainstorming session with your teams: a video presentation of your professions, your new products for the season, the announcement of a new partnership, coverage of a professional event, of your services…
Below are two examples that could serve as food for thought.

Frédéric Vanhoutte’s contribution to the 2019 IFTM Canap 🎬

Coverage of a B2B event at Toulon Hyères airport 🎬✈

So what can we learn from video in tourism?

The length of natively integrated videos on Facebook means you can cover an even greater length of time than on Instagram: up to 120 minutes, or 2 hours, so a movie in a nutshell!
With uploads of up to 4GB, you’ve got plenty to do.
This diversity of formats, from a 3-second Gif to a complete online film, gives you a glimpse of all the possibilities offered by video creation.
They are rich and varied, and will require testing and experimentation to diagnose which format your community appreciates on each of your networks.
Our last little tip is to recommend the production of many (very many) video rushes, which will enable you to edit several formats, of varying lengths, according to your needs and for each interface!

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