Understanding and mastering social networking trends

Who hasn’t copied a trend they’ve seen on Instagram or Tiktok?
We’re all familiar with the recent “of course” trend that created a buzz on the networks.
Trends are essential for brands and content creators, helping them to capture attention and boost their visibility.
Today, it’s essential to understand their importance, keep abreast of what’s new and learn how to use them creatively.

In this article we offer you all the keys to understanding the trends on social networks and thus better using them for impactful communication. 🔥

The importance of trends on social networks

Today, more than 80% of French people are present on social networks, according to a study by We Are Social; Instagram, Tiktok, Pinterest or Youtube are part of our daily lives.
We spend more and more time on these networks, whether for information, entertainment or inspiration.
You’ve probably noticed that your favorite social network’s feed often features the same type of content, the same theme or the same music.
This is what we call a “trend”.

Much more than an ephemeral buzz, trends are at the heart of social networking dynamics.
They create a community bond. By taking up trends in their turn, users and brands can reinforce their sense of belonging to a community. 💙

Their high viral potential increases the reach and visibility of publications that pick up on this trend. Keeping abreast of the latest trends and buzz helps you stay relevant on the networks, stay innovative and generate new content ideas. Content that goes viral is picked up by many users, and some content creators manage to stand out and generate millions of views and interactions in just a few hours thanks to these. 🚀

It’s a key factor in increasing your page’s visibility!
But how do you keep abreast of the latest trends and use them wisely?
We tell you all about it here!

Staying curious on social networks

To stay up to date on the trends of the moment, you need to know how to stay curious on social networks.
👀 To stay active, curious and reactive on trends, isn’t the first thing to do to search directly on the relevant network?
Social networks themselves are the ideal place to unearth new trends and content that’s starting to buzz using the search function.
On Instagram, for example, you can search using the most popular hastags of the moment.
Don’t hesitate to search and do your daily monitoring via popular keywords.

💡 Another useful tip for staying on top of trends is to follow influential content creators, some of whom are the first to be responsive and suggest new trends that are just starting to break through 🤳🏻.

Following social network accounts is also an excellent source of inspiration.
Instagram or Facebook, for example, regularly share the latest trends and popular content on their networks.
They also regularly send out newsletters highlighting new trends and popular content.
Some websites and blogs also specialize in
social networking trends.

Be creative on social networks: get inspired, but don’t copy!

Originality is the key to standing out on social networks.
Taking inspiration from trends is important, but don’t just copy them.
To transform your inspirations into original content, it’s important to understand what makes it popular, whether it’s the humor, emotion, surprise or usefulness of the content.
You need to be able to analyze it, and identify the essence of that popularity, so you can draw inspiration from it and succeed in capturing your audience’s attention in a similar way, but with your own personal touch.

The problem with trends is that they’re picked up many, many times by thousands of users.
So you’re going to end up with an Instagram feed or
Tiktok with hundreds of similar videos.
If you simply copy the trend, your content will go unnoticed in the multitude of similar videos.

The solution?
Adopt the idea, the spirit of the trend: yes!
But you need to adapt it, and add your own touch of originality to set yourself apart.
This will also stimulate your creativity and boost your sales.
engagement with your audience.
Pour rendre votre contenu original, vous pouvez par exemple détourner la tendance pour lui donner un autre sens, l’adapter à la personnalité de votre marque et ses valeurs, ou encore la placer dans un cadre différent pour lui donner un twist.

As mentioned above, the content that works on social networks in 2024 is content that appeals to the emotions.
This is what creates a connection with your audience.
So it’s vital, even when picking up on an existing trend, to get the storytelling for your content right.
💡 We advise you to talk about an experience that concerns you directly, which will make it more relevant and intimate, thus arousing joy, surprise or nostalgia will accentuate the content’s impact on your audience.

Using AI for inspiration

Artificial intelligence (AI) 🤖 is a powerful tool for staying on top of trends.
It can analyze large amounts of data to identify emerging trends, and monitor social networks in real time to detect new trends.
What’s more, AI can help generate content ideas based on current trends, offering a valuable resource for creating relevant, innovative content.

Once again, you need to use it as an aid, and not simply copy the content given to you by the AI, which is often very similar and impersonal.
For example, you can use it to help you structure your ideas and texts for a post, or for your video script.
Some AIs can also help you produce sound or music, or edit and enhance photos and videos.


In short, trends disappear as quickly as they appear, but your brand remains.
Surfing on trends by making them your own and adapting them to your image, rather than simply copying them, will help you develop the strength of your identity and image while remaining creative.

Originality in approaching trends can significantly boost audience engagement and drive growth on social networks.
Turn your inspirations into unique, innovative content to stand out in the saturated social networking landscape.

🚀 Want to get your communication off the ground? Contact us. 😉


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