We support: “Premiers Pas vers un voyage engagé” (First steps towards a committed journey)

Alex Vizeo, influential travel blogger, and Loris Monteux, professional videographer, with the help of TWAM (Travel With A Mission) offer us a sensitive and true documentary film on the first steps of a committed journey.
Their aim?
To inspire and inspire people to take action on their own scale.

It’s been a year since Alex and Loris set out on the African road in the Great Lakes region (Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda), meeting up with a number of local associations.
In these extremely poor countries, years of war and inter-ethnic tensions have created a large number of orphans, street children and former child soldiers.

With the help of TWAM, which provided upstream and on-site logistics, the team was able to carry out various projects: building a classroom in Goma in the DRC, setting up a cyber café in Uvira in the DRC, distributing education kits, health kits and computers in the DRC, Rwanda and Burundi, and so on.
The film recounts this journey, meeting people who have nothing left but a fierce energy and joie de vivre.

Straightforwardly, Alex and Loris talk about their successes and failures, the difficulties they encountered, the mistakes they made and the lessons they learned.
As they make clear from the outset, they know nothing about humanitarian work, and learn by doing, in the field.
This is where this film draws all its strength, a vibrant testimony of humility and hope.

Because “the smallest of actions will always be stronger than the best of intentions”, Alex and Loris invite us to take action by showing that yes, it is possible to commit to a cause, to set up a project in your town, your neighborhood or abroad.
All it takes is taking the first steps.

Previewed on February 28, the film is now freely available on Alex Vizeo’s youtube channel, so that the desire to act continues to spread.

A word about the Batali Association:

TheBatali association is another children’s education project in Central Africa that we support in the same way as Alex’s project.
Supported by multiple funds, the association is very active and helps to improve the daily lives of hundreds of children wishing to learn in developing countries.

Information :

  • Title : First steps towards a committed journey
  • Release date: March 1, 2019
  • Running time: 62 minutes
  • Director / Script: Loris Monteux and Alex Vizeo
  • Produced by : Chapka assurance, Geoffroy Bonnet Eymard, Eric Moreau
  • Logistics: Ludovic Hubler and Jérémie Beclair of Travel With a Mission

About TWAM :

Travel With A Mission (TWAM) is an international non-profit organization under the French law of 1901.
Its main objective is to promote civic engagement, raise awareness of global challenges and carry out projects of general interest. www.travelwithamission.org

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