What is an influencer and how do you recognize one?

Influencers have a long history.
Since the emergence of social networks, they’ve taken on a new lease of life. Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Instragram have made interaction easier and more “viral”.
There’s a real craze around this phenomenon that affects all ages.
Whether they’re bloggers or social network addicts, their opinions count and they have real influence, a boon for the visibility of tourism brands.

What is an influencer?

An influencer is someone who can change or channel the behavior of his or her audience in a particular direction.
Whether their impact is direct or indirect, their publications engage, attract attention and convey a message that unites their community.
He often has a very large audience, spread across his various social networks, enabling him to reach his readers wherever they are.
For example, a blog post will be relayed on Snapchat, then on Instagram, and finally on Twitter. His strength lies in having an audience that listens to him for his expertise in a field, that he reaches easily, that engages with his words, and that personifies himself in his publications.

How to find and recognize it?

There are many ways of finding them, including influencer marketing.This is not a new technique, but it does help to put a positive spin on the time-consuming work that brands regularly carry out for their communication needs.
When you’re looking for content, whether editorial or visual, you’re bound to come across influencers, and right now there’s no other way to find them.
There are some directories that might be able to help, but the question is whether you want a qualitative approach or not?
It’s one thing to find influencers, but it’s quite another to make sure they’re relevant to your business and your target audience.
The best way to find them is to make a list of all the influencers who correspond to you, and then deduce an influence index.
The little memo-list I recommend you keep in mind when embarking on this adventure is as follows: – Target several specialist influencers: Blogger, instagrammer, snapchater, youtuber… You need to multiply the distribution media to ensure maximum visibility. – What’s their niche? What content does it produce?
and for which target audience?
A specialist influencer means that he or she is active in a particular field.
If you’re a luxury brand and you take on a youtuber who’s used to making funny videos for an audience of 18-25 year-olds, you’ve got to agree that it’s not going to work!
So, this part is pretty straightforward, but it’s important to target an influencer who matches your image and your target.

– How committed is he? Without commitment, you’ll be on your way. And just because a blogger has 100,000 fans doesn’t mean he’ll be influential.

To do this, we simply look at the number of fans it has and estimate whether the number of comments, shares and likes is representative of a community that adheres.

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