What is Brand Content?

What is Brand Content?
For many years, consumers made their purchases primarily by looking at price.
But for some time now, this has changed, and we’ve quickly realized that a strategy based exclusively on price is no longer effective enough.
We had to think of other arguments to seduce and attract prospects.

This is where brand identity becomes important.
Brand content is the most effective tool for making your brand shine!

As you know, millions of pieces of content are published and shared every day, so defining a relevant, coherent and sustainable content strategy in line with brand values is essential.



What is Brand Content?
It refers to all the strategic content produced by a brand, whether BtoB or BtoC.
It’s all about storytelling: telling a story, a know-how, to the consumer.

This will capture their attention and create a unique relationship between consumer and brand.
This is a far cry from the usual sales pitch.

What’s at stake?

  • Give the brand credibility in its sector by proving its expertise;
  • Assert your own distinctive positioning;
  • Increase brand awareness and visibility;
  • Adopt a service approach by providing answers to your customers’ questions;
  • Bypass web advertising campaigns and the adblocking phenomenon.

Content marketing is a long-term strategy for creating and distributing content that adds significant value to your brand’s prospects and customers.

This content will help you prove your expertise, highlight your values and your story, and entertain and educate your audience.
This marketing is a real lever for growth, enabling you to educate, entertain and respond to your audience’s issues, thus proving your expertise.

Content marketing is a real growth lever, enabling you to reach new customers and improve customer loyalty!


Many new terms have appeared in recent years:

Content marketing, Inbound marketing, Outbound marketing and Brand content.
Can you tell them apart?
Don’t panic, let’s review these 4 marketing concepts together:

Inbound marketing VS Outbound marketing

Outbound marketing is one of the most traditional forms of marketing.
We go directly to the prospect, we come to him.

Nowadays, more and more customers are self-sufficient and seek information on their own.
They no longer wait for information to come to them, as was previously the case.
These methods have less impact on today’s customers.

On the contrary, Inbound Marketing will provide an answer to customers and prospects.
Content must be worked on in advance to provide precise answers and, as we’ve seen, real added value.


Content marketing and Inbound marketing

These 2 concepts are closely linked.
In fact, Content Marketing belongs to Inbound Marketing.
They depend on each other.


Content marketing VS Brand content

Brand content is above all, as the name suggests, centered on a brand.
The content will highlight: its products, its offering, the human side of the brand with its employees, its values, its vision and its promise.

The aim of Brand Content is to create a close relationship with the brand’s audience.

Content marketing can be differentiated from brand content by the editorial and objectives of the content disseminated.

As you’ll see from our two examples below, Brand Content associates the brand directly, making it clearly visible.
Content Marketing, on the other hand, enhances the brand’s expertise without highlighting it.


Brand content example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59mzJDXPCPo  

Content Marketing Example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKoE4vk-DLw


traditional marketing VS content marketing




56% of companies
want to increase their content creation budget
70% of marketers prefer to focus on content quality VS quantity
96% of marketers produce content for social networks
84% of people expect brands to produce interesting content with real added value and a differentiating experience  


The different types of content on which to position yourself

  • Publications on social networks : Interact directly with your audience on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter…
  • Blog posts: Demonstrate your expertise on targeted topics
  • Newsletter: Direct contact with your prospects/customers
  • Case studies : Showcasing your customers’ great stories
  • White papers: Formally demonstrating your expertise
  • Webinars: Present your expertise live and interactively.
  • Videos: easy-to-consume formats
  • Surveys : Quantitatively present your view of your industry
  • Podcasts: A new audio format (still) little used by tourism companies
  • Quizzes and competitions: Get to know your target better by gathering strategic information

As you can see, the choice of content is vast.
The important thing is to be creative and to understand your target audience’s issues, so as to propose content that will meet their expectations.
Implementing a good Brand Content strategy will enable you to create a real bond with your customers and prospects.

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